Do you have friends who are on the opposite side of the aisle?

Yea, my dipshit buddy who orders every PPV is a Trumper. I just clown on Trump being a complete retard to him, he stammers "but Hilary", and he's my PPV welfare because I'm not giving Dana a fucking dime.
I have friends on all sides. I never understood the idea that political differences or differing social views can be a dealbreaker for friends or acquaintances. I tend to think if people's beliefs are that sensitive to outside criticism, then the foundation of those beliefs must not strong. Also, I think it's a point of pride in a truly free society to be able to put aside these things and exist together in a friendly way. Even if conversations about the issues get heated or contentious, we should be able to have a drink or catch a movie afterwards.
Yes. I actually supported Cruz, and only voted for Trump in a panic to keep Hillary from the Presidency. But I have friends who voted for Hillary but preferred Bernie.
My best friend voted for Trump.

My best friend is not an idiot.

In fact, he came down to visit, and said, "But what do I know? I voted for Donald Fuckin' Trump?"

Do you have close friends on the other side of the spectrum? How do you deal with it?

I have another friend who voted for Trump. He is, in fact, an idiot. We knew this all along. We still love him though.

Of course. For the most part I'm friends (or friendly) with people of every demographic.

I on the other hand am liked by everyone.
My wife is pretty left leaning (although more right leaning on taxation when she finished her residency)

I work with a fair bit of liberals. Most of my close friends are center right.

I think you're far more likely to hang out with economic and academic equals than politically like-minded aside from the 1-2 knuckleheads who never got their shit together but you still love them.
Been "unfriended" by 3 people I was relatively tight with. One guy I've been friends with for 25 years, and he's my kid's godfather.

The minute they spouted Hillary/BLM/Obama/racist/anti-cop shit, I countered with reason and facts. They couldn't handle the truth. BOOM. Unfriended.

However, in all seriousness, it sucks losing a 20+ year friend over this stuff. I just can not ignore someone supporting racist, anti-white, anti-cop rhetoric from Obama/BLM/Hillary. To me, it's not just rhetoric, it's personal. And support for that puts my life in danger.
Yup, my branch of the family is the only GOP stalwarts. Cousins, friends, aunts and uncles are all lifelong Democrats. I never used to understand it because these are economically successful people who should support the GOP's economic platform. But, after 8 years in the WR, I've come to understand just how toxic some people who claim to be on the right are to the issues that matter to them.
My best friend voted for Trump.

My best friend is not an idiot.

In fact, he came down to visit, and said, "But what do I know? I voted for Donald Fuckin' Trump?"

Do you have close friends on the other side of the spectrum? How do you deal with it?

I have another friend who voted for Trump. He is, in fact, an idiot. We knew this all along. We still love him though.

My own sister is in a Democrat leadership position in one of the most liberal state legislatures in the country (arguably the most liberal). Can't talk politics with her at all. For my part it's not a problem but she get triggered at the slightest hint of a divergent viewpoint.
I have a weird dichotomy of friends, especially on SM largely due to the military

Obviously they traditionally lean right, but as it's also very diverse so that isn't always the case.

It's hilarious, i'll see Pro southern glory and then Pro BLM shit back to back in my facebook feed hahaha

I only have one relative/friend that is fullout SJW tho, an uncle from Rhode Island. He believes and reposts every single liberal meme there is
Of course, and those liberals are so pathetically uninformed, debating them is too easy.

Once you drop the Obama supported AQ and Isis, they feel pretty fucking stupid, as they should.

If you vote democrat, you really aren't paying attention.
Most of my liberal friends hate Trump but can't actually say why other than they don't like him as a person. I've tried to reason with them and see if we can get past the emotional responses, but the only response is "because he's a racist (he's not) or a Mysoginist (also not) or some other insult they heard on CNN.

They can never say what about his Policies or actions he's taken since being elected they disagree with. I don't think they actually know what they are fighting against. When I ask them if they really want the Govt. to control Health Care they say no. If I ask them if they prefer big Govt. rather than State's rights, they say they support State's Rights... Open Borders? Sanctuary Cities? High Taxes? Nope, nope, and nope. So what DO they believe in? I guess hating Trump... These are smart people. It makes no sense to be so blinded by hate when the good of the Country is at stake.
Your friends are either made up or have Forest Gump level intelligence
All too common with Liberals. They have no intelligent response and just lob insults to hide the fact that they have no platform or workable plan.
It seems like this is becoming harder with Facebook and other social media.
25 years ago we just didn't ask who each other voted for.

Fuck I'm old!

When I was a kid, I explicitly remember my dad telling me that there are 3 things that you should never discuss with friends; religion, the amount of money you each make, and politics.

Mostly because no one agrees on religion and politics, and talking about how much money you make can be a dick move if it's substantially more than the other person.
If someone still firmly supports Trump at this stage in the game you have to wonder about that persons sanity and decision making, therefore I would definitely question friendship with that person.
You are of course free to question friendship with whomever you please. It remains narrow-minded.
If someone still firmly supports Trump at this stage in the game you have to wonder about that persons sanity and decision making, therefore I would definitely question friendship with that person.

Because someone wants lower taxes, less Govt. regulation on small businesses, State's rights versus Government controlled healthcare, and a strong Military, does not make them a Racist or "deplorable".
When I was a kid, I explicitly remember my dad telling me that there are 3 things that you should never discuss with friends; religion, the amount of money you each make, and politics.

Mostly because no one agrees on religion and politics, and talking about how much money you make can be a dick move if it's substantially more than the other person.
You sound like a liberal athiest. And you sound poor. ;)
Because someone wants lower taxes, less Govt. regulation on small businesses, State's rights versus Government controlled healthcare, and a strong Military, does not make them a Racist or "deplorable".

He doesn't want any of those things. Trump wants what is good for Trump. You give him too much credit as the guy could care less.