Do you believe in Karma?

I think believing in Karma is a great way to live. I like to think there is a Karma bank that I keep making deposits into because at some point I'll screw up and need to make a withdrawal. As long as my balance is high I won't overdraw it. I do believe the more you give the more you get back.
I do in that if you live a life of being a piece of shit then you will probably be unhappy. If you do what you truly believe is good in life you will be rewarded with happiness which is really all that matters in the long run
As a hindu yes.

But the actual original sense of Karma. It has become largely perverted by the mainstream into the sense that there is this Cosmic Santa Claus out there keeping a tally of the good and bad shit you do when its original intention was simply ones thoughts and actions manifest in a variety of ways. In other words if you go about your life being a cunt to people you will likely create a bubble of negativity that will envelop your day to day existence and drag the few people who can stand you down with you and if you do the opposite you will tend to prosper.

Basic common sense not mystical woo woo.
there is too much depravity that happens in this world for me to believe there is any benevolent supernatural balancing of the scales.

especially down to the individual
Yup too many ass holes that are happy who needs a good those of bad Karma.
i don't believe that i build up karma points through my actions that give me better luck as if life was a video game. However i remember jordan peterson saying something along the lines of "Every time we do good we shift the world in favor of it a little bit" as in if im good to someone it will rub off and them and make them more positive and they will spread it to others ;but if i fuck someone over they may become cold bitter and on guard, they could end up associating other people of my ethnicity with the way i wronged them. Its kind of like that Ghandi quote "Be the change you wish to see in the world" and we can change the world through even tiny interactions with our fellow humans, even on a fucked up site like this.
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yes, even physics has "every action has a reaction"
I'm a neckbeard atheist so of course not.

No way I'm buying the idea that the hundreds of millions of people that live in misery got put there because of karma. What about the ones that are truly kind... yet experience pain and heartbreak, or even death? Was karma on a smoke break during all this? GTFO.

Like with all other religion-like things, it falls apart the moment you start rationalizing it.
5 years ago I had a stroke. It had significant impact on my life. About a month before that I had done something really fucked up to my wife she did not deserve. I was 29 years old. I don't know if I would call it karma or not but I believe the universe has a way of making things right.
Growing up in a Hindu household, Karma served as a fundamental tenant of my life. God's system of checks and balances, do good and good will follow etc.

As I got older and my belief in organized religion began to wain (and eventually disappeared), I still held on to the concept of Karma. While the rational side of me understands that there is little causality between one's actions, and being rewarded/punished in a future time period (beyond things that are obviously linked, i.e. cheating and divorce, crime and jail), I still can't shake the feeling that I'm wracking up cosmic brownie points or penalties.

I try and live a pretty decent life, but when I do something I know I shouldn't be doing (downloading a pirated movie, watching porn etc.), I try and "buy" my salvation by doing something charitable - normally donating money to a cause of some kind.

Even though I don't believe in religion, and my belief in God is best described as "tenuous", I still feel as though karma is a real thing - an unseen balancing force in the universe.

Anybody else have any thoughts on this? Even if it isn't real, Karma seems like a useful construct to help guide one's life - alternatively, I am a simpleton holding onto irrational religious belief beat into me as a child.

Useful construct , and I think good deeds generally beget good things and vice versa , but that's just a predictable byproduct of being a good/ thoughful person or not . So in a way Karma exist , but not in a mystical sense .
Cause and effect, interdependant origination, is a thing that you can overlay on anything in the phenomenal world.

Like the people who like to close down dispensaries for an example: That action sets off a cascade of misery for those who frequent it, which in turn poillutes the mental ecosystem, which affects productivity, which lowers the GDP. This prevents foreign aid to poorer countries, who no have to tighten their own belts further, which causes dissaffection and resentment among the already dissafeected and resentful. Next thing you know theres terrorism, which escalates into regional conflict, next thing you know it's nukes and neutrinos and we're all dead.

Fuck the police.
5 years ago I had a stroke. It had significant impact on my life. About a month before that I had done something really fucked up to my wife she did not deserve. I was 29 years old. I don't know if I would call it karma or not but I believe the universe has a way of making things right.

I know this may seem like a weird question, but did (possibly) attributing some part of the stroke to what you did to your wife make it easier to accept?

Oddly, one of the only things that has helped me through the end of my engagement is that a part of me feels as though I deserved that outcome based on past transgressions.
I know this may seem like a weird question, but did (possibly) attributing some part of the stroke to what you did to your wife make it easier to accept?

Oddly, one of the only things that has helped me through the end of my engagement is that a part of me feels as though I deserved that outcome based on past transgressions.
I had no problem accepting it. I believe it was me getting what I deserved. In a strange way I think it is the reason we are still married. If I hadn't had something fucked up happen to me she probably would left me. I need her waaaaay more than she needs me and she knows it.
Just finished a book on Buddhism. As I understand it, karma is the way your thoughts and actions affect your world around you or how you are affected by the reverberations of your thoughts and actions. For instance, if you are in a bad/negative mood, people around you recognise it and might feel worse or treat you in a different way than they would if you were in a positive mood.

It's not a 1 to 1 return on your actions... It's real because you affect your reality...
Not Buddhist nor have I read about it, but I can really respect and believe in this. As a matter of fact, i was telling this not too long ago to anyone who would listen because i saw it happening in my personal life. I probably looked like a wacko to the people listening.. but it was an overwhelming feeling that just came out of me, lol.
Not Buddhist nor have I read about it, but I can really respect and believe in this. As a matter of fact, i was telling this not too long ago to anyone who would listen because i saw it happening in my personal life. I probably looked like a wacko to the people listening.. but it was an overwhelming feeling that just came out of me, lol.

I remember my sister gave me a book called "The Magic of Believing" when I was a teenager (Claude Bristol). In all fairness, it is somewhat of a hokey self help book, but the underlying premise is that we shape the world around us subconciously by our actions and beliefs. Much to the points made in this thread, if you project positivity (verbally, through action, through body language etc), your interactions with others tend to be good, and self fulfilling to a degree. Conversely, you go out into the world with a chip on your shoulder, suddenly you encounter alot more jerks than your used to.

As to whether there is anything mystical or cosmic about it, probably not. But we tend to get back what we put out into the world (often, not always), and we have the ability to set ourself up for success or failure depending on our attitudes and belief in ones self.
i try not to so that when im a cunt or do something, i wont have any repercussions later down the line.
There is a buddhist saying that's helped me get through many conflicts:

"The best way to deal with an enemy is to sit by the river and wait for his corpse to float by."

I've lived by that rule for decades and it's never steered me wrong yet. So far, all of my enemies have floated by. Not literally, but they always end up getting what they deserve, and I get to sit back and smile as they get fired, arrested, divorced, or financially ruined.

So yeah, I guess in a roundabout way I do believe in karma.
I remember my sister gave me a book called "The Magic of Believing" when I was a teenager (Claude Bristol). In all fairness, it is somewhat of a hokey self help book, but the underlying premise is that we shape the world around us subconciously by our actions and beliefs. Much to the points made in this thread, if you project positivity (verbally, through action, through body language etc), your interactions with others tend to be good, and self fulfilling to a degree. Conversely, you go out into the world with a chip on your shoulder, suddenly you encounter alot more jerks than your used to.

As to whether there is anything mystical or cosmic about it, probably not. But we tend to get back what we put out into the world (often, not always), and we have the ability to set ourself up for success or failure depending on our attitudes and belief in ones self.

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