Do you agree with people that say "Today's music is crap" ?

Mainstream music maybe but there are probably more great small bands and artists around nowadays than ever, you just have to know what you're looking for.
just have to know where to look imo

mainstream music has alway been on the side of shitty....just now, its even shittier
No, it's just people who don't bother looking for good modern music and "born in the wrong generation" crybabies who make that claim.
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Mainstream music is just illuminati princesses and princes feeding the masses garbage. On a brighter note, Gojira's new album is out.
A lot of the mainstream stuff is crap. But a lot of the mainstream stuff from previous decades is crap to. Seems like advent of "pop" as we know it started in the 80s and lot of that was bad.. then it snowballed into the 90s and 2000s and we have plenty of garbage.

But there's a lot of good stuff today as well. I'm a big fan of 90s alternative but I like a lot that has come after that. I will say though, being a big fan of 90s rap.. I haven't caught with most of this new stuff. I fucking hate 90 percent of it.

Alot of todays music fucking rocks. You just need to know where to look.

The problem is, I think too many people expect good music too come too them, but if you're fed up with whats been given too you, if you want "good"(because this is subjective) music you need to be looking for it, trying out new music everyday, figuring out what sounds good too YOU.

If you really want good music, look for it, don't wait for it to come too you.
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I swear in 20 years there's gonna be some hipster listening to lady gaga and taylor swift, moaning about how she was born in the wrong generation.

There's a lot of good music today and you don't have to look that hard in my opinion.
Definitely not, only in regards to mainstream music. I haven't watched the video but that's what he's implying in the title.
well, as far as mainstream music, this generation is better than NSYNC, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Backstreat Boys, Korn, Limp Bizcuit, Kid Rock and other horrific shit from the previous era.

90's had pretty good standouts in rock and hip hop - East Coast/West Coast rivalry, the rise of alternative music, R&B Soul - Lauren Hill/Fugees

80's had probably the height of pop/dance and a lot of rock, emergence of hip hop - Michael Jackson, Prince, Madonna, ACDC, Metallica, hair bands, Run DMC, Rakim, Public Enemy, Beastie Boys, NWA

70's - lot of folk music and rock - Led Zepplin, CSNY, Jefferson Airplane, Eagles, Queen, Pink Floyd, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Van Halen, Black Sabbath, The Clash, CCR, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Blondie

60's - Beatles, Elvis, Motown, Rolling Stones, Woodstock, Joplin, Hendrix, The Who, Grateful Dead

imo, we kinda got screwed as far as mainstream music goes, 60's, 70's were spoiled.
as far as non-mainstream music goes... you can find great shit in any era if you bother to look hard enough
Mainstream music is definitely the worst it's ever been.

The rest is still doing fine.
well, as far as mainstream music, this generation is better than NSYNC, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Backstreat Boys, Korn, Limp Bizcuit, Kid Rock and other horrific shit from the previous era.

Every era has shitty mainstream pop. This era has nothing but shitty mainstream pop. That's the difference. Even in the 90's you had a fair share of talented bands and artists making noise on the charts. Not today.
There continues to be great music made, but it's mostly smaller artists. There were points in the 20th century where you would turn on the top 40 type of radio stations and hear Pink Floyd or Alice in Chains. We really haven't seen something like that since the mid 90's.
I can't really think of a mainstream artist from nowadays that will end up in one of those best of the 2000's albums. Maybe Lady Gaga. God help us if it's Beiber.

There's a task for someone. Come up with 15 songs to put on an album to represent the last ten years of music. I want to see if it's as bad as I thought.
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Every era has shitty mainstream pop. This era has nothing but shitty mainstream pop. That's the difference. Even in the 90's you had a fair share of talented bands and artists making noise on the charts. Not today.
Gotta agree. I see these Disney teenybopper singers like Selena Gomez topping the charts and wonder wtf happened. It's the same type of music I used to hear on those Kidz Bop commercials back in the nineties. They sold these albums for like five bucks in the bargain bin at Walmart.

I don't have time to hunt down good music but that radio top 40 shit is lame.
I like a lot of newer bands. There's still good music being made, it's just after years and years you only have 12 notes you can keep applying rhythms too...and the original rhythms is what keeps me stoked. I don't listen to mainstream stuff though, I guess, so maybe I am completely talking out of my ass and can't I am getting old.