Do you agree that Georges St-Pierre is where he’s at today because of his privilege?


Green Belt
May 29, 2012
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Upper class upbringing in Canada with luxuries that most of us can only dream of. Of course, his work ethic and motivation has something to do with it, but for athletes, that is a given.

What's given him the upper hand is his privilege.

While most fighters are training with regular bags, tires, sledge hammers, ropes, and some not being able to eat daily, GSP uses sophisticated advanced technology that others can't afford. Thus, giving him an advantage.

You can almost say money is what bought his title as money usually does. Well, the exception to that would be the Dodgers. All the money in the world couldn't help that sorry ass team.
Upper class upbringing .
he worked as a garbage man straight out of high school never went to college... just because he's a white Canadian doesn't make him privileged
Privilege is given. Your examples are from what he has earned.
Lol yea. All that privilege has done wonders in helping Sage become UFC champ
Oh fuck off
Upper class upbringing in Canada with luxuries that most of us can only dream of. Of course, his work ethic and motivation has something to do with it, but for athletes, that is a given.

What's given him the upper hand is his privilege.

While most fighters are training with regular bags, tires, sledge hammers, ropes, and some not being able to eat daily, GSP uses sophisticated advanced technology that others can't afford. Thus, giving him an advantage.

You can almost say money is what bought his title as money usually does. Well, the exception to that would be the Dodgers. All the money in the world couldn't help that sorry ass team.

I see You never went to St-Isidore, Québec ...
Upper class upbringing in Canada with luxuries that most of us can only dream of. Of course, his work ethic and motivation has something to do with it, but for athletes, that is a given.

What's given him the upper hand is his privilege.

While most fighters are training with regular bags, tires, sledge hammers, ropes, and some not being able to eat daily, GSP uses sophisticated advanced technology that others can't afford. Thus, giving him an advantage.

You can almost say money is what bought his title as money usually does. Well, the exception to that would be the Dodgers. All the money in the world couldn't help that sorry ass team.
You one salty bitch.
Sup Tyron. Your last fight against Wonderboy was shit, bro.
Hmm, let me look this over, a thinly veiled white privilege thread about GSP.

Wasn't George a garbage man before his UFC career? Success brought money and access to resources for training, but that's not privilege. I don't know about his background beyond garbage man, but I doubt rich parents would allow that.
Upper class upbringing in Canada with luxuries that most of us can only dream of. Of course, his work ethic and motivation has something to do with it, but for athletes, that is a given.

What's given him the upper hand is his privilege.

While most fighters are training with regular bags, tires, sledge hammers, ropes, and some not being able to eat daily, GSP uses sophisticated advanced technology that others can't afford. Thus, giving him an advantage.

You can almost say money is what bought his title as money usually does. Well, the exception to that would be the Dodgers. All the money in the world couldn't help that sorry ass team.
Your from southern california, talking about privilege lol. GSP was bullied as a kid, become a garbage man out of high school, and currently suffers from mental issues. Such privilege.
BJ is only fighter I know that was privileged. Came from a very rich family. It showed in his work ethic and conditioning. Privileged actually works against being a fighter because adversity makes you stronger.

It helps when selling PPV though because legacy white money want white fighters. I read a stat once white ppl have 250x more wealth than blacks and hispanics. Thats a lot of money to throw around.
I'm agreed that Georges St-Pierre is where he’s at today because he's GOAT material...
Sup Tyron. Your last fight against Wonderboy was shit, bro.
Yup! Pretty much this! Crap like this can only be out of one persons mouth, Twood...

I consider myself 50% GSP hater... But this is the most retarded thread I've seen

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