Do You Abandon Your Children If You Discover They're Not Yours?

What do you do when you discover that you are not the father?

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You are paranoid your loving loyal partner will suddenly be tempted to cheat if out in certain situations when it is far more likely that if she cheats she went out with the intent to cheat.

If she has that intent then you will never be able to control her (restrict her appearances) in a way to prevent it.
Its not an odd paranoia to have, clubs mix alcohol and hook ups so if she is going to cheat she'd be more likely to do so there than at a book club with female friends.
If you feel like your significant other going out with friends and having some fun without you from time to time is a "risk" then maybe that's not the girl you should be dating.
What kind of guy truly has friends that are women that they don't want to have sex with (or to help get to their friends?). I think it's very rare in practice.

Play it like Mike Pence folks. The guy doesn't even have private dinners with women to avoid any scandals.
What kind of guy truly has friends that are women that they don't want to have sex with (or to help get to their friends?). I think it's very rare in practice.

Play it like Mike Pence folks. The guy doesn't even have private dinners with women to avoid any scandals.
gay guys, that who ;)
Not raising someone else's bastard.

Bastard children are cursed.

Obama did well.

2 parents married = 10× better, generally, but if both parents are in the kids life, OR if the parent left does an outstanding job, it can work.
I love my son more than anything, even more than I love my wife. If it somehow came to light that I wasn't his real father I couldn't just up and walk out on him. Besides, it's not his fault.

That being said, I would kick my wife out and squeeze her for every last drop of child support.
Obama did well.

2 parents married = 10× better, generally, but if both parents are in the kids life, OR if the parent left does an outstanding job, it can work.

Some cancer treatments can work, but more times than not...well, you know.
Yes I would hit the ground running if I knew my wife not only cheated with paternity fraud. Everytime I looked upon junior I couldn't help thinking about the betrayal of our marriage vows. I doubt I would treat her kindly after knowing so I would get out for that alone.
This is inspired by this video @Edison Carasio posted in the meme thread.

The question is simple, and to keep it simple, I'm ignoring the relationship with the wife-- You've raised what you believe are your children for 4 years only to discover they're not actually your own offspring. What do you do?

Before you answer, I urge you to consider the children themselves. You've raised them as your own, and they love you. Likewise, you love them. They trust you as their father and are completely innocent. There's no doubt that if you leave, they'll be destroyed, and being 4, they may possible never fully recover.

Do you abandon them, do you still raise them as your own, or do you take a middle-of-the-road approach and distance yourself, but not completely?

I'm having a difficult time answering this question to myself, so I'd like to see where the WR stands.

In b4 literal cuck.

The kids will get over it.
He said he wouldn't date a girl who goes out on the town often on her own with male friends.

You said that if that if you perceive that as a risk then don't date those girls.

Which is what @AviatorShades was saying he does in the first place. So yes, he does agree with you.
He made a lifetime av bet that an admin said would be enforced
My doppleganger set me up a?
I can explain.
A few posts ago I mentioned a ' brief pause' of five years from Sherdog. Upon coming back I noticed ' lukaswithelidof ' part 2. I even asked him what he was doing. Hence my tag ' the original '
The kids will get over it.

Not exactly the most rigorous metric for making decisions about the children that you thought were yours for four years, but I'm sure they will eventually get over it.
Not exactly the most rigorous metric for making decisions about the children that you thought were yours for four years, but I'm sure they will eventually get over it.
The real father is out there and probably excited to learn the truth. Staying only causes confusion.
The real father is out there and probably excited to learn the truth. Staying only causes confusion.

They're going to be confused no matter what, but of course the scenario depends on whether or not the real father will be in the picture.
I think he's against the specific club hopping culture which is popular among millennials, not girls who have hobbies in general. If you're hobby is getting drunk and dancing with strangers then more power to you but not every guy is going to want to date a girl like that and with good reason in some cases.
I think there is this reverse psychology idea that the girls that go to bible school and book clubs are the actual whores that will cheat on you(just catholic priests and evangelical pastors turn out to like semen, but that's a whole different topic), while the ones getting wasted and twerking their gluteal muscles will be good faithful wives.

I wonder who is pushing this idea?
I can see not staying with the mother but turning your back on a kid who thinks of you as their dad and one you thought of as your for years... I don't know, I don't think you could do it as easily as you think.

What happens when the real dad politely asks you to leave ?

What happens if your children are actually some other blokes. you are no longer with the mum and this dude has no plans to form any relationship with her but as the biological dad he wants visitation rights........why would you be welcome ?

This is all hypothetcal but no one in the 7 or so pages ive read has even mentioned the biological dads plans and if he decides you should live your own life, what can you do ?
If I found out my one and a half year-old son wasn't mine I would still do everything in my power to adopt him so that he would legally become mine. I've bonded with him to the point where it doesn't matter where he came from or who seed it created him we are linked from now until eternity, emotionally and mentally because of the time we spent together.

You love in dreamland. You will never see this kid again because once the cat is out of the bag mum isnt going to let you near her kids.
You dont believe everything you read on the internet? Lol.
I dont blame you but really. Im lukaswithlidof. He's part 2.
This guy is coherent and has a sense of humor. It can't be the same guy imo.

@Jack V Savage

Also, I lost @sniper in a poker game. That's not technically abandonment, though his mother disagrees strongly.
I love my son more than anything, even more than I love my wife. If it somehow came to light that I wasn't his real father I couldn't just up and walk out on him. Besides, it's not his fault.

That being said, I would kick my wife out and squeeze her for every last drop of child support.

No she ups and leaves. If if it comes down to the courts, she wins. Real dad doesnt want you around, kid forgets you egc etc.