Social Do we always have to have problems ?

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Jan 26, 2015
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When you think about it, it's always something that you have to resolve, mark it as done, you have to confront an issue in your life , at home, with friends, at work.. the list just goes on...
If you are poor or rich, problems seems to follow everyone, there is always something thats just not right, if not in your life, just have a look whats in the latest news in your country or in the world.
Why is no one mentioning that to kids and prepare them to do actions based on experience so problems are avoided ?
Havent met this Problems fella but he sure seems to cause a lot of ruckus.
it's the way we are wired
we encounter problems solve them or ruminate in how to solve them or we could have solved them better.
just look at how stories are told, they revolve around a central problem and then tell the archives of how the protagonist overcomes the problem or fails to do so and what lessons are learned
it is what sparks our attention and gets out brains working

also problems don't have to be bad, facing challenges and improving yourself will pay dividends compared to just avoiding problems and staying in a rut of convenience.

really you shouldn't be teaching kids to avoid problems but be equipping them with the tools to navigate problems effectively.
If you don’t have real problems or eustress (good stress, opposite of distress), you will eventually create your own

This is wildly fucking true.

You can see this in entire populations.
I had to re-read the OP a couple times.

Anyway, modern life is complicated, needlessly so in some respects, it's annoying. That's why I keep things simple.
I don’t have any real problems in my life but the most menial pedestrian shit seems to cause me huge issues anymore to the point of getting my key out of my pocket is a problem. I feel I’d be hulk constantly if I got blasted by some gamma
When you think about it, it's always something that you have to resolve, mark it as done, you have to confront an issue in your life , at home, with friends, at work.. the list just goes on...
If you are poor or rich, problems seems to follow everyone, there is always something thats just not right, if not in your life, just have a look whats in the latest news in your country or in the world.
Why is no one mentioning that to kids and prepare them to do actions based on experience so problems are avoided ?

My life is great and I don’t have any problems right now. Sounds like a you problem. When people have no problems you suggest they find them by watching the news? You are the problem in your own life.
It's true we don't prepare kids for how life really is. Growing up, adults made it seem like life follows a simple trajectory: go to school, get good grades, go to a good university, get a good job, get married, have kids, and that's it. As an adult, now I know it is a lot more complicated than that. There's a plethora of potential obstacles in the way of any of those processes. Life throws constant curveballs. Then there's other problems like health, navigating social situations, and finding fulfillment and meaning in life.

It seems to me most people , including myself, are not really happy if their life is a constant and predictable state of being. I envy people who can be happy waking up and do the same thing everyday for decades.
It's true we don't prepare kids for how life really is. Growing up, adults made it seem like life follows a simple trajectory: go to school, get good grades, go to a good university, get a good job, get married, have kids, and that's it. As an adult, now I know it is a lot more complicated than that. There's a plethora of potential obstacles in the way of any of those processes. Life throws constant curveballs. Then there's other problems like health, navigating social situations, and finding fulfillment and meaning in life.

It seems to me most people , including myself, are not really happy if their life is a constant and predictable state of being. I envy people who can be happy waking up and do the same thing everyday for decades.

ADHD kid also checking in. I understand that TOO well.
When you think about it, it's always something that you have to resolve, mark it as done, you have to confront an issue in your life , at home, with friends, at work.. the list just goes on...
If you are poor or rich, problems seems to follow everyone, there is always something thats just not right, if not in your life, just have a look whats in the latest news in your country or in the world.
Why is no one mentioning that to kids and prepare them to do actions based on experience so problems are avoided ?

The way to avoid "problems" is complacency coupled with total apathy.

Who would purposefully teach their children to aspire toward that combination?
ADHD kid also checking in. I understand that TOO well.
I know you didn't ask for it but I can rant about this so much. It's such bullshit that we teach kids absolutely useless fucking stuff that has extremely little carry over to actual life. We force them into these classrooms to sit there for hours listen to some person talk about something that they will likely never use. Most of the knowledge I have now comes from my own interest and research. And we don't teach them actual useful shit about health, food, finance, navigating social situations, handling emotions and mental health, getting hired or setting up businesses, etc. Most people have bad posture from carrying bookbags and sitting in school all day that leads to back problems later in life if they don't correct it. As a kid I was bullied and there were no teachers or support system to deal with this. And my parents wondered why I hated going to school.

That being said, humans still need problems, a challenge or else we get bored. I can imagine a world that's a perfect utopia with such technology and medical advancements that we never have to worry about health issues, our civilizations our built in harmony with nature, there's abundant food and resources, and nobody has to work because everything is taken care of, unless you want to. We can do whatever we want as long as it doesn't hurt others. There's no crime, war, famine, etc. I don't know if we'd be happy honestly.
Yes. We will always have "problems", be they "1st world" or actual life threats. It's simply a part of the human condition. And you probably could expand that to state that struggle is an intrinsic part of life, for all sentient beings. I'm guessing it's a byproduct of evolution. Animals that sit around and do nothing, tend to pass their genes along at lower rates.
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