Dissapointed...Gained the Weight Back I Lost

Something like 99.4% of obese people who've lost weight gain the weight back they've lost within five years. Not an excuse but it's a difficult challenge.
The main reason for that is most people stop doing whatever it was to lose the weight. Kind of obvious really.
The main reason for that is most people stop doing whatever it was to lose the weight. Kind of obvious really.


Either what they were doing was unsustainable or they lost the desire to continue. There's really no good exit strategy for dieting that doesn't involve gaining weight back or just perpetually dieting.
Nothing really worse than moving backwards. Joined the gym and started eating healthy but I'll be damned if it doesn't feel like I'm hungry all the time after a workout. Can't really cook for shit either. I just get super hungry at night because I eat really light during the day. Any advice from people out there who live a healthy lifestyle?

buy rice make lots of rice and put it in big plastic wear.
make soup do the same thing
buy tuna cans and frozen fish
buy fresh vegetables every few days and maybe fruit
buy bread
buy lots of eggs
buy cheese
buy noodles and noodle sauce
buy cheap meats

with those and some spices and condiments and buying those salad mixes you have endless variety of food you can make and it all easy. Also do cardio at least 3x a week and try to factor some in always when lifting or on your lifting days. Drink only water if you must have soda buy coke zero and limit amount you do.

Either what they were doing was unsustainable or they lost the desire to continue. There's really no good exit strategy for dieting that doesn't involve gaining weight back or just perpetually dieting.

A " diet " is the wrong approach anyway . Diets have beginnings , middles and ends. Change needs to be viewed as a permanent lifestyle adjustment , or like you said old habits inevitably prevail and voila..............fat again.
A " diet " is the wrong approach anyway . Diets have beginnings , middles and ends. Change needs to be viewed as a permanent lifestyle adjustment , or like you said old habits inevitably prevail and voila..............fat again.

yes literally best advice ever. i enjoy how i eat and i wrote most of what i eat above a combo of those. i do not eat out much and never eat junk food really ever though i did buy a bag of chips two days ago which i might allow myself to have a few here and there. Actually fuck it i am going to go throw the bag away right now!
Determine your TDEE. Download the MyFitnessPal app. Track everything you eat and drink honestly. Measure food by weight, not volume. If you are honest with your entries and eat below your TDEE, you will lose weight.
Find an eating routine that works for you. If you know you'll be super hungry after working out, eat less during the day so you can binge at night without exceeding a calorie limit.
I think that if you're constantly feeling hungry then something is off with your diet. your calorie deficit should be pretty mild and exercise+cutting out shitty snacks should be enough to produce it. Diet is annoying in sense that you might not be able to have certain foods that you like, but actual hunger should not be the problem.
cut off all refined sugar, even the diet and sugar free pop, cut off all processed food
eat only natural whole foods
and work out on a fasted state (ideally in morning)
very simple to understand but also very hard to see through
write down your meal logs and just take one step at a time
here u go fatboy
1. stop making excuses
2. stop drinking anything other than water
3. stop lacking discipline
4. stop eating sugar
i have a theroy that people will only change when they want to, and when they want to bad enough they make it happen. you dont want it bad enough yet. might be time to rexamine what is motivating you to lose weight.
Nothing really worse than moving backwards. Joined the gym and started eating healthy but I'll be damned if it doesn't feel like I'm hungry all the time after a workout. Can't really cook for shit either. I just get super hungry at night because I eat really light during the day. Any advice from people out there who live a healthy lifestyle?
Try to keep an eating schedule, about every 3-4 hours (do NOT skip breakfast).

Try to avoid fast carbs as much as you can, the reason for this is many but the two big ones is you will feel like eating again very soon and you gain more weight from eating carbs than fat (at least that is my experience).

I dont know your economic situation but if you can afford it you could try out one of the grocery/meal delivery services like Blue Apron to make healthy food without really having any skills in the kitchen and you dont need to find the recipes yourself.

If you got less money then you could do what I like to do: buy in bulk on sale, cook it and freeze it. That way you save a lot of time and dont have to cook food every day. For instance buy a big bag of chicken breasts, then cook them (maybe with different types of seasoning to not make it too boring), freeze em down, then you only need to cook up some rice and heat up a chicken breast and boom, dinner done.

Try eating sources of protein and slow carbs, makes you feel full for longer. I like to eat a decent evening meal with some slow proteins like eggs, casein shake or meat + a slow carb like a whole grain granola with some yoghurt. This to not get cravings of sugar/carbs late in the evening. Science has proven that its even worse to eat it later in the day.
Nothing really worse than moving backwards. Joined the gym and started eating healthy but I'll be damned if it doesn't feel like I'm hungry all the time after a workout. Can't really cook for shit either. I just get super hungry at night because I eat really light during the day. Any advice from people out there who live a healthy lifestyle?

Gets harder to stay in shape as you get older. It's natures way of saying fuck you. @Gabe
Losing weight is easy if you have the right mentality

Eat better
Cut out all the BS
And walk a mile a day

It's really that simple
here u go fatboy
1. stop making excuses
2. stop drinking anything other than water
3. stop lacking discipline
4. stop eating sugar
i have a theroy that people will only change when they want to, and when they want to bad enough they make it happen. you dont want it bad enough yet. might be time to rexamine what is motivating you to lose weight.

I agree with that last part. I didn't start a diet until I pretty much hated myself. Then it was actually easy because I wanted it so much. I went from 240 to 170 in a little over a year. I've mostly kept it off for about 8 years now. I hover around 180 to 190 mostly due to not being about to be in the gym 4 hours a day 5 days a week any more.
You don't have to know how to cook to eat healthier. Just cut out the snacks, candy and drinks. Get a rice cooker. Stick to chicken and fish for your meats. Add veggies. That's all you need to eat.
Soda or any kind of juice are the most useless things to put in your body. They are highly caloric, entirely sugar, and they don't even fill you up like solid foods do.
Try different meal plans. Furthermore, don't use the word "diet". Diet is meant as temporary*. Call it a life change.

*Some famous trainer said that.
Add some grass-fed grass to your diet and see those pounds drop permanently

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