Disappointing image searches?


Jul 29, 2015
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Am I the only one who, when bored, just starts searching relatively random things and seeing what kind of images pop up? And am I the only one who, when doing this, is sometimes confounded by what comes up?

For instance, if one looks up "Huge German weiner" it's actually work safe. For such a depraved people, it's shocking how nothing but pictures of sausages and dogs pop up. "Giant moth" was also a letdown - I didn't see a single picture of Mothra for pages.

What are your disappointing, confusing, and confounding image searches? When did you look up "Latina brunette riding a giant cock" and find a picture of Dora on a huge chicken, or something like that? (Note - the last suggested search is not work safe)
I just uploaded some of my pics bro. Try searching huge German weiner now
Ive searched my name before and found nothing which was upsetting. Then i realised that for every one of my fights the promotion misspelled my name.
I just uploaded some of my pics bro. Try searching huge German weiner now

Yeah, I found them. Gives new meaning to the term "disappointing image search"...
Back before google started to filter explicit image searches with any degree of success, I remember discovering that "Deutches Afrika Korps" produced a single gay porn movie cover among all the desert, halftracks, airplanes and tanks. I tried replicating it now, but it didn't work anymore.