Disappointing HWs


Silver Belt
Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Sick fight but the level of fighting on display wasn't championship level. Honestly I didn't see more out of either of these guys than I saw out of Guillard vs Varner or especially Lauzon vs Miller. I would favor Jon Jones over either one.
Sick fight but the level of fighting on display wasn't championship level. Honestly I didn't see more out of either of these guys than I saw out of Guillard vs Varner or especially Lauzon vs Miller. I would favor Jon Jones over either one.

When two fighters are great, they can very likely make each other look bland. I believe that's what we got tonight. It was only because of how good they were that neither of them got finished in the first round.
The HW division is so weak. JDS obviously kinda got lucky with the KO in the first fight, which lead to fanboys running with the idea that he might be a P4P great, blah blah blah. Then he gets absolutely tooled tonight. There was a freakin WWE wrestler as champ just a couple years ago for pete's sake! HW division is so inconsistent due to the size and lucky KOs that happen. Skill-wise, they aren't anywhere near the same level as the other divisions. Makes for sloppy fights.
i was more impressed that jds didnt get finished than anything else.
What do you know about championship level fighting?
There was a freakin WWE wrestler as champ just a couple years ago for pete's sake!

We still on that? Still haven't figured out the guy was a NCAA champion? :rolleyes:

Anyway...even elite heavyweights are going to get sloppy and have cardio issues, its how the human body works carrying all that mass.
Mike Goldberg wasn't there tonight to get us AMPED UP...or wrongfully amped up.
When two fighters are great, they can very likely make each other look bland. I believe that's what we got tonight. It was only because of how good they were that neither of them got finished in the first round.

Strongly disagree. Maybe you can't tell when that's happening but I sure can, and that's not what was going on here.

Junior was slowing down midway through the first and his defense went from semi-reckless to downright nonexistent before the end of the first fucking round.

And Cain had a lot of chances to finish but didn't and was exhausted himself by the mid third (though he pushed a hard pace, many other fighters have kept that pace for more than 3 full rounds.) Telegraphed TDs. I don't have half the problem with how Cain looked though.

They both just looked like good fighters but not all time greats. Not on the level of the champs in any other division. Not even close, really.