Disappointing avocado pit to fruit ratio. Pic included.

Your TL;DR is TL...

We were making fun of him for it in another thread where both parts were about equal length. He’s razzing us now, that’s pretty funny actually
We were making fun of him for it in another thread where both parts were about equal length. He’s razzing us now, that’s pretty funny actually

When I was a teen, early 20s and still living with parents, we had a fig tree..

It was amazing. It produced so much fruit. It seemed like it replenished everyday or so. I had never had a fig except for Fig Newtons.

I remember the figs were like a light greenish color and the inside was whitish and pinkish color with a little bit of milk and little edible seeds..

The tree also was a good shade tree. I had a lawn chair I put under the tree and I would smoke weed out there and eat figs..

The only thing is towards the end of fig season, the tree would get swarmed with black beetles. There would be thousands of them. 5 or 6+ beetles on each fig eating them..

The fig tree is my favorite tree. Figs are an underrated fruit and I feel like fig trees should be planted in all parts of America where the climate is good for them.
yup, The fig tree we had was massive you can get a Dwarf tree now, but the one we had at my old house when I was still young like junior high was huge! I used to climb the tree to get fruits and drop them in the bucket but sometimes they would bust open. we had a massive yard with lots of fruit plants but it was scary at night man, we had so many creatures out there, I remember seeing a dead possum, we had squirrels, all types of shit thats the only downside, when you have fruit plants in your yard, all the vermin, and spiders.

I never had a fig before, I only ate fig newtons as well, but Figs are some of the best fruits and nutritious.

Figs are high in natural sugars, minerals and soluble fibre. Figs are rich in minerals including potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and copper and are a good source of antioxidant vitamins A and K that contribute to health and wellness

This is how the figs looked

I'm sorry.

That's like a poor areola to titty ratio.
I'd have woke my neighbor up and beat the ever loving shit out of him tbh...
Sad like a little titty that's 94% flapjack black areola.
I miss my old house we had an Avocado tree, Fig Tree, Orange Tree, Mango tree, and other fruits and veggies, only downside is we would have bats and possums eating our fruits.

Where did you live that you had all of that? I would have loved to have had an Avocado, fig and Mango tree in my old house.
Where did you live that you had all of that? I would have loved to have had an Avocado, fig and Mango tree in my old house.
Long Beach, California back in the 90s. It was a old property with a huge ass lot, we had a garage area in the back where my Uncle would work on cars. I would live there and then go to Oakland, CA as well. fun times man.

My mom and Aunts would always garden, my mom would always give fruits away to friends and family. My family is from the Caribbean so they know how to take care of these plants.

We also had a Dwarf Papaya tree as well and small Banana Tree. Im still trying to remember what else we had, I know had.

The dwarf banana tree look something like this, the bananas were tiny


Out in the open. But usually I eat them pretty quickly so they don’t turn.
Wordddd, yeah that's why, fridge drastically increases their shelf life if they're starting to soften up. We get them by the case at work and are constantly rotating them around depending on ripeness,
They aren't necessarily bad if they start to brown (we usually just use most those to make guac when they start to change color)
you sound like a cuomosexual.
Long Beach, California back in the 90s. It was a old property with a huge ass lot, we had a garage area in the back where my Uncle would work on cars. I would live there and then go to Oakland, CA as well. fun times man.

My mom and Aunts would always garden, my mom would always give fruits away to friends and family. My family is from the Caribbean so they know how to take care of these plants.

We also had a Dwarf Papaya tree as well and small Banana Tree. Im still trying to remember what else we had, I know had.

The dwarf banana tree look something like this, the bananas were tiny



Those small bananas are delicious. I also never used to like banana when I was young till about 8 years ago when I went back to my country, they are good tasting.
That seed just might have the potential to produce a tree that produces the most gigantic avocados.