Different ways to go from the bottom to the top position


Dec 1, 2017
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So if someone has me mounted or has side control or what have you, what are different techniques to swap position with them so I then have the dominant position. GIFs and videos encouraged.
That's like asking how to jiu jitsu.
Ok, give me a really specific jiu-jitsu move then.
Everything from the bottom really.

BJJ is a game between a guard player and a guard passer, if the guy on top manages to pass the guard, the guy on bottom needs to escape and retain guard, a neutral position.
Going from an inferior position, like bottom side control or bottom mount, to a superior position is not realistic, you need to go to the guard then try to sweep the opponent.

There is the so called "upa" escape, that put the guy on bottom mount into top closed guard, but that's not going to work everytime and not against a knowledgeable opponent.

Everything from the bottom really.

BJJ is a game between a guard player and a guard passer, if the guy on top manages to pass the guard, the guy on bottom needs to escape and retain guard, a neutral position.
Going from an inferior position, like bottom side control or bottom mount, to a superior position is not realistic, you need to go to the guard then try to sweep the opponent.

There is the so called "upa" escape, that put the guy on bottom mount into top closed guard, but that's not going to work everytime and not against a knowledgeable opponent.

Dope video, exactly what I'm looking for. Its ok if its not possible all the time. The whole point of this thread is to learn a bunch of different moves.
So if someone has me mounted or has side control or what have you, what are different techniques to swap position with them so I then have the dominant position. GIFs and videos encouraged.
A good move for this is to move your arse to a jiu jitsu school.
YouTube will be your friend. Pick a position and put escape or sweep behind it in the search, like mount escape or side control escape
not everyone has the 120 dollars a month to go to a gym
Everything from the bottom really.

BJJ is a game between a guard player and a guard passer, if the guy on top manages to pass the guard, the guy on bottom needs to escape and retain guard, a neutral position.
Going from an inferior position, like bottom side control or bottom mount, to a superior position is not realistic, you need to go to the guard then try to sweep the opponent.

There is the so called "upa" escape, that put the guy on bottom mount into top closed guard, but that's not going to work everytime and not against a knowledgeable opponent.

I like your point, when you're rolling with beginners, you can go from bottom side mount to top side mount. Mostly if the other guy is lazy on the top and his pressure is a little too much on one side. I used to do a lot of reversals when someone was in a scarf hold position and they were too high in my hip. Theres also a reversal where you just let the other guy put shoulder pressure, you put your free arm and the other hip and you push and bridge. It's very flashy and you get on a dominant position.

But none of that will work with more skilled guys who will move to north south or to the other side at will. It's pretty much a bad habit to rely on those reversals. I pretty much stopped doing them, I only try them when there's a scramble but not when the top side control is established.

The right way to learn is to get back your guard, half guard or to even do the turtle.

My personal favorites are the stiff arm escape from bottom side control, where you scoot and get back in guard, underhook to turtle form bottom side control. The upa still works for me but if it doesn't work I use the space to trap a leg in half guard.
hip escape to guard, then sweep them and pass their guard. or berimbolo
You need to train jiu jitsu, simple as that... Watching vids online help, though you will probably not be good enough at those moves to implement them in real life unless you train consistently in them. You could sign up for a paid site, Gracie university it’s pretty good for this matter, grab a training partner, split the cost of the site between you 2 and train drill moves...
I cant find the clip but Carlos Newton used to use the kimura sweep to reverse from bottom. He hit it beautifully on Matt Hughes of all people. It obviously requires extreme core strength but its a good move to have in your repertoire.
I cant find the clip but Carlos Newton used to use the kimura sweep to reverse from bottom. He hit it beautifully on Matt Hughes of all people. It obviously requires extreme core strength but its a good move to have in your repertoire.

As a noob, you should not be watching vids from sub 101... you may find some good vids, and some pretty bad ones... stay the fuck away from that channel...
Why don't you ask your "Kosen Ju-Jitsu" master to show you a mount escape.

I do. but if i have an account on sherdog, where martial artists from all over the world come to share information, why not ask them to? I might get something new i have never heard of before.
if i had to sum up my style in as few words as possible i would describe it as judo with extensive ground game plus karate strikes

You'd imagine a Judoka with an "extensive ground game" would have heard of pin escapes...
As a noob, you should not be watching vids from sub 101... you may find some good vids, and some pretty bad ones... stay the fuck away from that channel...
Who runs the channel? Ive never heard of them before just wanted to find a vid for the sweep/reversal I mentioned.
You'd imagine a Judoka with an "extensive ground game" would have heard of pin escapes...
yes, that doesn't doesn't mean i've learned everything from my style yet. I've just recently started again after a two year hiatus. whats with all the hostility for asking for some knowledge?
and i'm not a judoka, i'm a jujitsuka.

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