Did Bubba take a fall?

he definitely got hurt and was done but i dunno how he went "limp" from that one shot i think he played that off a little so they would stop it quicker.

i think he went into the fight knowing he was getting KO'd

maybe im wrong but i feel like Bubba wanted out of that fight from the jump
Bubba McDaniel @BubbaTheMenace

Told I can now say that I DID suffer 3 facial breaks in that fight from that punch... I am healed and recovered now. See yall at the #Finale
5:50 PM - 03 Apr 13

So, he'll be fighting next week?
When I saw that cut on his eyelid, I kinda figured Hall jabbed his fist into his eyeball pretty far. Can you imagine the pressure? On your eyeball? A gnat flies into my eye and I look like I'm having a seizure with the straight-out arms and the flailing.

How anyone could say that's tantamount to taking a fall is rather beyond me.
Ive watched the knockout video atleast 15 times, I think bubba took a fall because he was afriad of ending up like Adam. If you look closely he goes for the double leg AFTER getting hit in the jaw. Not only that but once hes on the ground HE BRINGS HIS ARMS INTO HIS BODY. Hard to do that if your knocked out.:eek::eek::eek:

If only you could ask Bubba this very question in person.....WTF man, his eye immediately swollen shut. Orbital fracture my guess.
Bunch of just bleed retards on here.
I agree ts bubba was not unconscious when he went down. He got hit with a big knee and his orbital broken with a punch and he mentally had enough. The things he was saying and the way he acted after didn't seem genuine at all. He pulled a "Forest" I'm gonna laugh my ass off if Dylan beats Uriah. I think he's over rated. Great kicks but his boxing and striking defense is elementary. Watch!
He got KOed in the same way Forrest Griffin got KOed by an Anderson Silva jab. That was a "get me outta here" move for sure.
He got KOed in the same way Forrest Griffin got KOed by an Anderson Silva jab. That was a "get me outta here" move for sure.

He could have just turtled and waited for the stoppage. Here he didn't even reacted to the hammerfists FFS.

Anyway he did look strangely happy before getting to the hospital. IIRC he was mad as hell when he lost to Kelvin but after the Hall KO he told the first joke since he is in the house and was smiling even if he was obviously in pain. Sounded like "I'm glad Uriah didn't kill me" :icon_lol:
This guy was KO before the fight, he was hoping the doc wouldn't clear him. Some embarrassing shit.
Jesus fucking Christ, some of you guys are retarded. Did you see Bubba's eye? That's an orbital fracture right there. If he were looking to take a dive, he chose the absolute most painful way to do it. This might sound crazy but maybe he just got jacked in the face by a pinpoint striker while coming in recklessly. I hear that when you walk into a punch that you don't see coming, you might lose consciousness. Maybe I'm off my hinges, but I suspect that's what happened. :rolleyes:

Im with this guy, seriously..
Jesus Christ what about his eye
My God

relax bud nobody is disputing his eye was fucked, they are disputing whether or not he was unconscious. I dont think he was.

he was done but the limp acting like he was out cold after a shot to his eye seemed like a "get me the fuck outta here" move
Ive watched the knockout video atleast 15 times, I think bubba took a fall because he was afriad of ending up like Adam. If you look closely he goes for the double leg AFTER getting hit in the jaw. Not only that but once hes on the ground HE BRINGS HIS ARMS INTO HIS BODY. Hard to do that if your knocked out.:eek::eek::eek:

That's typically not what they mean when they say "take a fall" or "take a dive". Generally that term is when someone gets paid money to lose on purpose. Bubba just got dat ass beat. Just like he did against Kelvin..

His eye looked completely fucked. Kind of like Koscheck's eye when he fought GSP. So I suspected that he broke his orbital.
Ive watched the knockout video atleast 15 times, I think bubba took a fall because he was afriad of ending up like Adam. If you look closely he goes for the double leg AFTER getting hit in the jaw. Not only that but once hes on the ground HE BRINGS HIS ARMS INTO HIS BODY. Hard to do that if your knocked out.:eek::eek::eek:

Try watching it 16 times.
Bubba should drop down to 135lb and compete in a league made for him...
If he took a dive it cost him badly. Apparently his face is broken in 3 places. I doubt he did it.

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When I first saw it, I was like wtf, no way but after seeing the replay, I see no reason that he took a fall.

The one time he did was when he was in that choke he pretended to go unconscious and when the ref ignored it he started tapping. Hilarious
I don't know I think maybe after he got hit he faked being knocked out, I mean he definitely got hit hard it's just that he did seem to go for a double for a split second.