Derrick Lewis: "Vote for Donald Trump"

I think he said "I was high" later when someone brought up the quote

That's too bad

That had me laughing. The Black Beast wants to make America great again.
I once witnessed Britney Spears campaing for George Bush to be the President with my own eyes ... hell yes , if you have FED running the country for centuries and nobody gives a f*ck why would you be surprised if a low life , no talent , soon to be putted assleep dumb mofo give his fkin idiotic opinion on which the next American President should be?!
Its just another bombtrack ... im from europe , and yes , we ALL gonna burn !! so report me motherfuckers
He probably should've kept his political opinion for himself
Lmao I'm an even bigger Black Beast fan now! A YUGE fan!

Beast hoping to get dat new MMA czar position His Trumpness gunna introduce.

He also knows Democucks and their racist allies like BlackLiesMatters have been destroying communities like the one he grew up in for decades.
Poor guy already has severe brain damage.