Demi Lovato rails against frozen yogurt shop for providing diet options

By reading some trashy magazine nearby? I promise you the cashier doesn't give a shit what you read.

I promise if you take your head out of your ass and stop staring at your phone for a few minutes you will find this ability humans can develop which is called multi tasking. As in I, along with many others who don't have their heads up their asses, can glance the cover of these magazines on the rack while preparing my items for the cashier. The cashier might not give af but it seems like you do.
I promise if you take your head out of your ass and stop staring at your phone for a few minutes you will find this ability humans can develop which is called multi tasking. As in I, along with many others who don't have their heads up their asses, can glance the cover of these magazines on the rack while preparing my items for the cashier. The cashier might not give af but it seems like you do.

The question was why. Why you are using your amazing ability to multitask on reading the fucking National Inquirer of all things.

The question was why. Why you are using your amazing ability to multitask on reading the fucking National Inquirer of all things.


Like I've been saying, Put your phone down, take your head out of your ass. You will find that you have the ability to ask people far fewer stupid questions, along side of the fact that the fucking National Enquirer is right in your face the entire time you are in the grocery line.

I understand that is hard to comprehend with your head up your phones ass