Social Dem Senator member of whites-only beach club

What did you want me to say? Him calling someone else a liar doesn’t change my post. Since you want me to address it @Bald1 has a lot of posts that come across as anti-muslim. He has essentially called them savages and primitive men. While saying the burka is meant control sexual urges. Then contradicted himself by saying just look to the Middle East for a rape culture.

He might not be a racist but he is absolutely anti-Muslim. After looking through a few of his posts I wouldn’t be surprised if he had called them a disease

He has many more posts like these.
Yes, Islam sucks. And that's racist how?
So no proof of him supposedly saying minorities are a disease?

I don’t need to provide proof I didn’t say he said it. You can take it up with @Trotsky. If he said that they should be eradicated that post would certainly no longer exist so that one would be nearly impossible to find even if he did say it. If you search Muslims and his username over 1300 posts which makes up over 6% of all of his post. You’re an absolute scumbag and your ratio isn’t anywhere close to 6%.
I don’t need to provide proof I didn’t say he said it. You can take it up with @Trotsky. If he said that they should be eradicated that post would certainly no longer exist so that one would be nearly impossible to find even if he did say it. If you search Muslims and his username over 1300 posts which makes up over 6% of all of his post. You’re an absolute scumbag and your ratio isn’t anywhere close to 6%.
lol so now I'm the scumbag, and not the guy who lied about being black while telling actual black posters that they aren't. <Lmaoo>
lol so now I'm the scumbag, and not the guy who lied about being black while telling actual black posters that they aren't. <Lmaoo>

It’s not mutually exclusive you both can be scumbags.
I don’t need to provide proof I didn’t say he said it. You can take it up with @Trotsky. If he said that they should be eradicated that post would certainly no longer exist so that one would be nearly impossible to find even if he did say it. If you search Muslims and his username over 1300 posts which makes up over 6% of all of his post. You’re an absolute scumbag and your ratio isn’t anywhere close to 6%.
Kafir and I talked about Islam for years on end so no shit I'll have thousands of posts on the topic. And if that's the worse you can find then kiss my ass and apologize. Especially as you so cowardly imply such posts have been deleted. So, get fucked.
You guys haven't figured out the rich white liberal yet? His whole spiel is to engage in racial warfare to keep your eye off class warfare. They are just as racist as some Republicans with their dog whistles.

The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man. -Malcolm X
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Kafir and I talked about Islam for years on end so no shit I'll have thousands of posts on the topic. And if that's the worse you can find then kiss my ass and apologize. Especially as you so cowardly imply such posts have been deleted. So, get fucked.

He's talking out of his ass to carry water for a D.
Institutional racism, also known as systemic racism, is a form of racism that is embedded through laws and regulations within society or an organization. It can lead to such issues as discrimination in criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power, and education, among other issues.

The Civil Rights act carving out an exemption for private beach clubs where influential politicians and business leaders congregate in whites-only settings is absolutely systemic racism.
So is there any system or institution right now that that in writing or policy has racism in it or directs a person to be racist? no ... interesting
Yeah, I think people stretch the definition to support whatever point they're trying to make.
Eh it's thrown around know so much with really vague instances .. black guy murdered by cop? systematic racism, Gay actor harassed in Chicago by MAGA hat guys ? systematic racism... it goes on and on .
Kafir and I talked about Islam for years on end so no shit I'll have thousands of posts on the topic. And if that's the worse you can find then kiss my ass and apologize. Especially as you so cowardly imply such posts have been deleted. So, get fucked.
i am not going through the thread, but since you talk to wpem, it must be about him calling you racist or something, right?
White only as in they don’t let other races in? Or white only as in its a heavily white area, and all the members just happen to be white?
Little bit of A, little bit of B. Call it AB. They are probably all white clubs full of rich white people because thats who historically lived in those areas. They remain all white clubs because those people happen to be racist as hell.
all black colleges. why cant there be an all white beach club
This. The people have spoken. Segregation is preferred amongst the masses.