defending the calf kick


Oct 21, 2017
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its quite the new thing guys in mma are using today

in 2008 when i was 16 i was training with a garage style mma gym that were big back then and the head guy was a legit sociaopath who kicked my calf so hard i actually had to go to the er. it tore tendons in my leg just off one kick i didnt really think much about it kicking the calf i do remember how brutal it felt and in a fight thats something that is scary to me even switching stances still doesnt greatly help as will kill my ability to properly shoot aggressively when needed

i try to be a perfectionist in fighting and always looking to find things i can improve on curious what most people find to be the best method with dealing with this
Haven't you already posted this exact thread?

I believe Poirier also tries to get rid of leg kicks by drawing opponents into headhunting by closing distance and throwing a lot of volume. Or at least that's what I thought he did with Justin and Hooker. I could be wrong though.
Haven't you already posted this exact thread?

I believe Poirier also tries to get rid of leg kicks by drawing opponents into headhunting by closing distance and throwing a lot of volume. Or at least that's what I thought he did with Justin and Hooker. I could be wrong though.

yeah my 2 best options are shooting on reaction which i love to do anyways and being in the pocket but thats also dangerous with guys who know how to really punch going back only gives it to them
yeah my 2 best options are shooting on reaction which i love to do anyways and being in the pocket but thats also dangerous with guys who know how to really punch going back only gives it to them
Based on the other thread, the general consensus for defence would probably be to turn the leg out to check the kick as quick as possible. Kinda hard when looking out for takedowns though.
Romero vs Rockhold is a case study in checking this kick.
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Lift leg. Im always perplex why calf kick work in western fight but when they try it on thai in Onefc, they dont work, instead get a roundhouse to the head by thai in response.
Lift leg. Im always perplex why calf kick work in western fight but when they try it on thai in Onefc, they dont work, instead get a roundhouse to the head by thai in response.
You typical MMA fighter in America has a large emphasis on the wrestler-boxer hybrid. With that comes a very wide stance and lead leg heavy in weight distribution to assist in TDD. It makes checking alot slower and more difficult to pull off. Adding to that is the underdevelopment of a kick game, its why something like "calf-kick" makes waves as untapped secret voodoo.
i feel checking it is harder cause you really have to turn your shin outwards and i feel its easier to get swept when they calf kick and fact they can do perm damage to your leg as is aid at 16 i got my leg busted and it was messed up for like 2 years so im very weary of it

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