Deblass, Gordon Ryan, still training BJJ at Gym

of course you should be treated if you get infected at work.

i understand your point about this not being a hobby for them, but most other professional athletes don't seem to have a problem with this. in fact, the vast majority of people in isolation or lockdown right now are missing work. they're not doing it because they like it, they're doing it because they realise that this is the only way to slow down the spread.

and in the meantime, these selfish pricks are not only training, but bragging about it with their whataboutisms of people buying shit in stores. we knew they were douchebags, but situations like this one really shine the light on just how much of a selfish asshole some people are, not to mention dumber than a bag of hammers.

You basically said everything I wanted to say. Gordon is an overgrown, roided man-child who got really lucky in life. Had the right parents, bumped into the right coaches then now has the audacity to lecture people about goals and hard work when all he does is a niche sport that has no actual utility to society.

We should all stop posting about him unless its BJJ technique related. There are so many better BJJ role models out there.
i understand your point about this not being a hobby for them, but most other professional athletes don't seem to have a problem with this.

I assume they are training in isolation and keep quiet. It's just that Gordon is too poor to have his own facility like a real pro athlete.
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They should get fined.
If we allow it then every person could have the same brilliant idea, then we are back to square zero again.

To everyone blasting Gordon Ryan in this thread, he isn't the dimwit in this situation, he is not the one posting this photo on social media.
I get that pro athletes needs to train, but it shouldn't be posted on social media.

Seems that DeBlass acknowledged his mistake and deleted the photo, let's pretend that it didn't happened and move on.
I assume they are training in isolation and keep quiet. It's just that Gordon is too poor to have his own facility like a real pro athlete.
which is why he's an asshole.

i don't care if lebron has 10 dudes living on his estate, training with him completely isolated from the rest of the world. it's great if he does it.

that's not the case with these fuckwits.
by your logic, if lockdown works, then it is fake news.

While I agree with the spirit of your post, I'm not sure that logic is the correct word to describe his views...;)
which is why he's an asshole.

i don't care if lebron has 10 dudes living on his estate, training with him completely isolated from the rest of the world. it's great if he does it.

that's not the case with these fuckwits.

They're going to end up training with Kobe at this rate.
Huge props to Keenan for closing his academy straight away and to having some common sense...

Lockdown is supposed to be over by May, President Donny Trump said he wants this country to be back to work by Easter. When this economy is up and running by May, and everyone is back to work and gyms are back in business, everyone will realize how the fake news media overhyped this coronavirus situation too damn much.

2009, influenza killed way more people than coronavirus, and you don't see governments in the world doing this shut down back then. Nobody was panicking like they were now. This whole thing is fake news to scare the sheeples. Bunch of mother fucking sheeps that listens to fake news too much. Fucking SHEEPS, SHEEPS, i tell you! SHEEPS!

Its not a hoax. 100% of my medical advisors are saying otherwise.
Again, this is showing how arrogant, self-absorbed many in the BJJ community are. It is mainly BJJ gyms and figures bitching about the closures - and opening their gyms while claiming they're somehow different than the people fighting over toilet paper and claiming that it's some liberal conspiracy against them.

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Jesus died. And there's really no imaginary magical man up the sky. That's just fairy tale bullshit.

thanks bro, i was really on the fence but since ken peters on reddit set me straight im feeling pretty good about it now

I'm Donald Trump. And I command you all to close your gym
It's gonna be very interesting to see how Pro athletes come out of this pandemic. They don't have a large pool of people to train with, be coached by, or to assist in their recovery. Diet could be effected as well.

Watched Chael Sonnen's Submission Underground 12 event earlier on Fight Pass.

All the competitors were housed in separate trailers, the cage used for the grappling matches was sanitized between each match, and Chael mentioned also that the event was held in a building used to store or make grain.

Kinda makes the Gracie family mountain retreat concept they used to have seem like a dream. Heaps of family members training together in a secluded, controlled environment? Nice.

Stay strong n healthy, all! Best wishes for you all!

Erbeth Santos and Leandro Lo was doing the same shit, and people ain't bitching about these fuckers.

Again, Erbertha drama queen Santos and Leandro Lo did the same exact shit. If people gonna talk shit, talk shit about those fools too. Obviously none of these fools live in the same house.

At least when Tom DeBlass did that, half of the people live with each other in the same house.
Again, Erbertha drama queen Santos and Leandro Lo did the same exact shit. If people gonna talk shit, talk shit about those fools too. Obviously none of these fools live in the same house.

At least when Tom DeBlass did that, half of the people live with each other in the same house.

Um they dont live in the us and brazil doesnt have an out break.
You basically said everything I wanted to say. Gordon is an overgrown, roided man-child who got really lucky in life. Had the right parents, bumped into the right coaches then now has the audacity to lecture people about goals and hard work when all he does is a niche sport that has no actual utility to society.

We should all stop posting about him unless its BJJ technique related. There are so many better BJJ role models out there.
I don't really overstate it because he obviously works hard to stay at the top, but everything lined up perfectly for him. training under danaher, coming into the sport at a time where there actually is some money to be made competing, becoming "famous" up just as bjjfanatics blew up and selling videos $250 a piece.
His only set back was the knee injury but that was never going to be an issue with his "supplements".
When someone they know or love ends up sick and dead they may have a shocking revelation.

But young guys aren't known for their decision making skills. Compound that with the labels, "ATHLETE" and "FIGHTER" and you see some really dumb people. The same fucking idiots come to the gym with ringworm and a piece of plastic taped over it.
His only set back was the knee injury but that was never going to be an issue with his "supplements".

Is there really evidence that roids help with joint recovery? Had plenty of roided out teammates and
(had a mma class at the gym and very very few people do mma without roids).
As long as they are not interacting with oldies or weak immune system people, I don’t see the big deal. They are risking themselves, but they know the risk.
You realize 20 year olds are dying from this too? This is much bigger than all of us and they are putting their own lives, along with their families, and random strangers lives, at risk. I personally wouldnt risk the life of my wife or kids to get a few rolls in.
Huge props to Keenan for closing his academy straight away and to having some common sense...

Gary was going off on Keenan and claiming that Keenan was targeting them specifically when the initial statement was Keenan saying how serious this was and that it was irresponsible to stay open (this was like 2-3 weeks ago when the virus really started rising in North America). Gary was going off and trolling Keenan. Then when he was forced to close he kept at it and then finally claimed he never said Keenan was attacking him - while it was right there for anyone who wanted to screen shot it. He was also playing victim when people were calling him out on his BS.

If something bad happens to one of them or someone close to them -they pass the buck and somehow blame others for their selfish and completely avoidable behaviours.

Love how Ted is trying to claim anyone critical of him and his actions is just a hater.

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