Dear Sherdog...Can We Please Have A Conor Forum?

Sherdog is a Conor forum.........beat it nerd!
This is the Conor forum

Yes plz. Also ban everyone who says the word Conor in this entire sub-forum
Just call: 1-800-CONORYES

And ask for Suzy. She'll know what you mean.
For the record, I agree. I greatly wish there was a place for you losers to talk about that Irish fuckwit so I don't have to read your stupid posts anymore. All you haters and nuthuggers can have it out in your own little space, and leave the rest of us normal people alone!!!
Sherdog rookies don't get requests...
If it helps organize the forum and keeps bullshit troll threads out of my feed, hell yeah. Take your forum.
I keep saying the MayMac forum should just be the Conor forum. Keep that shit quarantined.