Social Dealing with hemorrhoids?

Have you ever had hemorrhoids?

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Crazy Kama will destroy America
Dec 15, 2021
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I got them recently and they are the most painful thing I had in years. Most are embarrassed to talk about them, but it's important. Can't be left untreated if it's chronic. Have you ever had them? What did you do?

You get them from: Standing too long, sitting too long, toilet too long, forcing too much, heavy weights like squats, etc. ALL humans will get them at least once in their lifetime. They will come.

Cure: surgery. Rubber band treatment, no spicy food, no milk, no meat.

Pure torture.
Harness the Xacto knife skills acquired in HS. It’t the Sherdog way.
Name of the game with Hemmoroids: FIBER

Try All Bran cereal TS. It's extremely high in fiber and helps make your stool quite soft and easier to pass. This gives the hemorrhoids less pressure when going to the bathroom and allows space and time to heal.

If you're not a milk and cereal guy, mix all Bran with yogurt, tastes great.

Berries, high-fiber veggies and other types of food will also help.

I've had hemorrhoids on and off the past 10 years and it was only with a recent bad patch did I do some serious research on this. All-Bran cereal.. couldn't recommend this enough
Take a stool softener. Get a little stool to put your feet up on while you're sitting on the toilet. Apparently, this helps with the positioning for bowel movements. Try to relax and resist trying to push/force it out.
I found certain things in my diet caused me to start to get them, cutting them out and exercising caused them to go.... I know it's not so easy to do this when you've developed them fully.
When I started eating spicy food more I got my first one and it really sucked. I find I have to just really space out the spicy food. I try not to eat spicy food more than two days in a row. Perhaps that could help with you as well TS
Name of the game with Hemmoroids: FIBER

Try All Bran cereal TS. It's extremely high in fiber and helps make your stool quite soft and easier to pass. This gives the hemorrhoids less pressure when going to the bathroom and allows space and time to heal.

If you're not a milk and cereal guy, mix all Bran with yogurt, tastes great.

Berries, high-fiber veggies and other types of food will also help.

I've had hemorrhoids on and off the past 10 years and it was only with a recent bad patch did I do some serious research on this. All-Bran cereal.. couldn't recommend this enough

Thanks, I'll do that. Why do they come on and off? Any idea?
Yes. It was like a bunch of grapes hanging from my asshole. I tied a string tightly around them at the base. They eventually turned black and fell off.
Yes. It was like a bunch of grapes hanging from my asshole. I tied a string tightly around them at the base. They eventually turned black and fell off.

I'm scared of doing that myself. I know the hospitals tie an elastic around them so they whither and fall off.
Name of the game with Hemmoroids: FIBER

Try All Bran cereal TS. It's extremely high in fiber and helps make your stool quite soft and easier to pass. This gives the hemorrhoids less pressure when going to the bathroom and allows space and time to heal.

If you're not a milk and cereal guy, mix all Bran with yogurt, tastes great.

Berries, high-fiber veggies and other types of food will also help.

I've had hemorrhoids on and off the past 10 years and it was only with a recent bad patch did I do some serious research on this. All-Bran cereal.. couldn't recommend this enough
I like to mix half a serving of oatmeal with half a serving of wheatena, cook it up in a pot and dump it on some sliced banana and maybe some berries with a splash of milk. Looks the same going in as it does coming out, a pile of brown mush. I’m not willing to find out if it retained the flavor.

You’re right though. High fiber is essential. Even some psyllium is great if you can’t get enough.