DEA to consider moving Marijuana off Schedule 1 in 2016

Great, now the country is gonna go to shit.
should be legal. baby steps i guess
Meanwhile, in legal states...
Well I'm glad they are finally reaching the same conclusion ancient cultures reached 2000+ years ago.

Psychotic authoritarian freaks.
Clean cocaine is safe and very fun in moderation. I hope it gets downgraded as well.

Man I miss weed
Once it's endorsed by the feds it's no longer a grass-roots movement. Big hit to the counter-culture.
I have never smoked weed and have no interest in ever doing so. But even I realize that it shouldn't be a Schedule 1 drug. It should be regulated just like alcohol is and you shouldn't be allowed to sell it unless you're a licensed distributor of it. So if you're a punk kid too lazy to work for a living and instead sell marijuana then you should get arrested for it. But it should be allowed to be purchased by respected licensed people who sell a clean product. And as long as some sort of field sobriety test is developed for it so you don't drive stoned just like you're not allowed to drive drunk. As long as all that is taken for it then make it totally legal.
I never could understand how Cocaine is a schedule II drug and marijuana is a schedule I drug....well i understand the definition of schedule II and schedule I but just seems crazy to me.
I never could understand how Cocaine is a schedule II drug and marijuana is a schedule I drug....well i understand the definition of schedule II and schedule I but just seems crazy to me.
Because it has medical applications. Hospitals used to have fair quantities of coke on hand, and not so long ago. I don't know if any still do. But it fit the definition of schedule II. Of course by comparison pot being schedule I is impossibly silly, but the scheduling of coke is legit.
I've heard its curing cancers and is better than alcohol so this makes sense........
well at least it's a step in the right direction/
What's to consider? How bad it will hurt the DEA's budget?
Should have never been on it.