De La Riva

first off unless you get knocked down on your back by a punch of something pulling guard on the street is absolutely stupid even in mma most fighters will tell you the only time they pull guard is when they can't get up or get top position ... and even if you do get knocked on your back you're better off just trying to get back up as fast as you can as a lot of bjj moves that are used from the guard you can't really pull off on the street since your opponent can knee you in the balls or scratch your eyes out
yeah in a sreet fight a prefer the mount or side mount. not sure if i would i want to pull guard on the street. but it sounds like a cool video though
I hate that scratch your eyes out shit. I don't need my eyes to grapple, and as a superior ground fighter, I can scratch the eyes alot easier than someone with no knowledge of position and shit. Same thing with biting and shit. Yeah, you can bite my leg while I armbar you and it will hurt, but I'm gonna break your arm and then continue to fuck your shit up. Not that I'm saying you should pull guard in a street fight or anything, you shouldn't, but you just hit a nerve of mine...
It's not about what you prefer man. How many times have you been reversed in training? Now think about in the chaos and aggression of a real altercation, it's incredibly likely that at some point during the fight you will be on your back, and when that time comes you'll wish you'd spent more time on your guard and less time telling people not to "pull guard on the street"
Mirada said:
It's not about what you prefer man. How many times have you been reversed in training? Now think about in the chaos and aggression of a real altercation, it's incredibly likely that at some point during the fight you will be on your back, and when that time comes you'll wish you'd spent more time on your guard and less time telling people not to "pull guard on the street"
as i said if i'm in a position even in a street fight where i am on my back and i cannot get up i will pull guard but i will do everything possible to not get to that position if its an all out fight unlike grappling where pulling guard puts you in good position on the street it does not
The Sickness said:
I hate that scratch your eyes out shit. I don't need my eyes to grapple, and as a superior ground fighter, I can scratch the eyes alot easier than someone with no knowledge of position and shit. Same thing with biting and shit. Yeah, you can bite my leg while I armbar you and it will hurt, but I'm gonna break your arm and then continue to fuck your shit up. Not that I'm saying you should pull guard in a street fight or anything, you shouldn't, but you just hit a nerve of mine...
as for this yes you do have a better chance of scratching someones eyes out if ur have martial arts training my point was and this is from experience that if ur in a fight with no rules and you try getting a guy in a guillotine there isn't much stopping them from kneeing you in the nuts ... same with other moves like the triangle it works great in a grappling match but when ur on concrete or any hard floor you better hope the guy isn't able to stand up and drop you on your head

and i'm in no way saying that bjj doesn't work on the street it definitely does as far as ground control goes offcourse you'll be able to get in better position to g&p the guy or pull off a sub but there's a lot of things you learn in training that may get you in a bad situation if you try them in a fight
In the neighborhood I live in it's hard to avoid idiots but when I fight, I get the guillotine a lot and not once have I been the victim of a knee in the nuts. I'm not saying that couldn't happen but IMHO it's unlikely just because they will be more focused on getting your arms off of their neck. What someone could do and what they are likely to do in an adrenaline enriched situation are two different things. A lot of guys on the street don't even know what a guillotine is much less how to defend it. The thing that happens with me usually is I'll sink in the choke and they'll start sputtering and coughing. Then their friends will try and jump in to break it up. Then my friends will break them up. LOL. I understand the point thouhg. That's why it's better to have a top position. It's even better to G'n'P when that top position is attained, just making sure that you don';t allow yourself to lose it due to recklessness.
just for the record, the original poster and DVD werent advocating PULLING guard on the street. but then again, everything gravitates towards why bjj sucks for the streets these days.
last street fight i was in i got knocked to the ground by a bohemith, i pulled him down with me and landed in my guard.

moral of the story: ARMBAR
Mirada said:
It's not about what you prefer man. How many times have you been reversed in training? Now think about in the chaos and aggression of a real altercation, it's incredibly likely that at some point during the fight you will be on your back, and when that time comes you'll wish you'd spent more time on your guard and less time telling people not to "pull guard on the street"

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!RIGHT ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nobody should "pull" guard on the street. But as Mirada rightly put, sometimes you don't have a choice. If your fighting style can't help you out in a no-rules situation, then what the hell good is it? You might as well go buy a gun and practice at a shooting range!
BJJ pwned the hell outta every system it was pitted agianst in the early, no-rules, days of the ufc, and unless I missed something, it hasn't lost a step since.
At least BJJ masters are concious of what might happen in a street fight and they equip their students with stuff they can use wherever, check out Royce Gracie's street self defense stuff- it works. Same with De la Riva, he is reminding us that there aren't always going to be times you can conveniently td an opponent and keep him there, there might be times you get reversed, or have to fight a skilled wrestler, or whatever.
Btw, Fstep, "Ur" was a city in ancient Babylon, it is not a pro-noun.
FStep said:
as for this yes you do have a better chance of scratching someones eyes out if ur have martial arts training my point was and this is from experience that if ur in a fight with no rules and you try getting a guy in a guillotine there isn't much stopping them from kneeing you in the nuts ... same with other moves like the triangle it works great in a grappling match but when ur on concrete or any hard floor you better hope the guy isn't able to stand up and drop you on your head

If you are doing the guillotine or the triangle properly neither should be an issue.
All in all, if you can afford, download this video if you feel you need some guard on the street. Buy it if you can, it
I always pull gaurd on the street.
