Fedor is out of prime and shouldn't be fighting. Prime Fedor vs. Cormier however? this is how it would go down:
Assuming Cormier doesn't get Zulu'd by Fedor (i know i know, chances are very slim, but still) and he manages to take Fedor down, this is what happens next: he's get armbarred. End of story.
Why? because there is no freaking way Cormier survives on top of a prime Fedor the way he fights on the ground.
DC loves, and i mean he absolutely LOVES leaving himself opened to armbars. He loves resting his arms on his opponents' chest and leaving his fully extended arm around. Check it out:
Fully extended arms. Fedor loves those.
Jesus Christ somebody tell Cormier he shouldn't leave his arm there. Prime Fedor would abuse.
Uh oh..thank god that fattie isn't Fedor
This is 2 seconds before Fedor armbarred Coleman:
fully extended arm again
Not a good idea vs. the GOAT Fedor:
DC's biggest MMA skill: leaving himself opened for armbars. (btw Gus did realize Cormier was leaving himself opened and attempted an armbar from the bottom. Too bad he's no Fedor).
DC begging for an armbar some more
Cormier's arm doesn't even need to be that deep. Fedor can pull armbars from this position:
Another starting position for armbar. Arm/elbow aren't deep:
Here's Fedor's full seminar "How to Sub Cormier in 10 Seconds":
Guess who else makes the same mistake?
Fighters these days....
Careful where you put your arm boys. It might get broken when you fight someone competent on the ground, such as...
Real pic. Not kidding.
Prime Fedor > all. If you try to debate this, you don't know the sport well enough.