darwin awards for the year


Green Belt
Mar 11, 2007
Reaction score
so lets hear stories for the dumbest things people have done this year
my vote goes for this woman
earlier this year in the uk there was a fuel strike
as per usual everyone panic bought
a tory mp advised people to perhaps store some fuel in jerry cans so as to not get caught out
this one woman stored some, her daughter asked if she could have some petrol as she was running low. the mum decided to pour some petrol from a container into a glass job to give to her daugher
oh i forgot to mention she poured the petrol whilst in her kitchen with the hobs on.
well the petrol vapours ignited and the woman ended up getting 40% burns
there was alot of calls for the mp to resign, blaming him for the incident.
i guess people where afraid to say that the woman must have been mentally retarded.
You talk a bit funny.
She's still alive, so she's still technically able to pass on her genes.

Are there anti-darwin awards in the category of grammar/punctuation? If so, I nominate TS.
Whilp, the hobs done bloody rubed mum good with a bit o heat, know wha I mean?

What are 'hobs?'
People don't know what hobs are??? Unreal...
This thread might be a classic if more Brits step up and defend TS.

Then we'd have another US vs Bad Teeth debate. Fuck yeah!
you'll be asking what taps are next.

funny as fuck story.