DAREDEVIL on Netflix v.3 (Season 2 Premieres March 18)

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Good season, i suppose next season, maybe even Iron Fist whichever comes first we'll learn about Black Sky.
Punisher was great, Elektra was well done. looking forward to luke cage, and iron fist.
Even the Punisher MAX version sometimes relives the pain of his family's death, although he usually buries it deep inside. He often dreams of his wife and children.

(Frank is sitting on the bonnet of a car. He is surrounded by the corpses of hundreds of his victims. He hears his name, and looks up to see Maria, holding his son and daughter)

Frank...we're still dead.

In Long Cold Dark, Frank states that the worst dream is the one where his family were not killed in the park. He dreams of his children growing up, having kids of their own,

The house fills up with grandchildren. I'm fat and slow and old. It's perfect.

On a warm summer's night I hold Maria close, and inhale her scent...

...and wake.

Extreme circumstances, usually seeing a child in pain, can force Castle to relive the deaths of his family all over again. This provokes him into a berserker rage that makes him even stronger and more insensate to pain than normal.
Punisher's thoughts about his family are the only thing that keep him from becoming like say Joker, Sabertooth, or Deathstroke (I know two of those are DC characters but the point stands). Him thinking about his family constantly keeps him from falling into the pure reality of psycho killer.

I do have to say, I like D'Orfino as Kingpin, except for his delivery of lines... they're... a little over the top.

Thanks for the insight, I haven't read Punisher in a very long time.

Also, this post is where I finally added "Punisher" to my dictionary because I was sick of spellcheck telling me it wasn't a word.
I hope that the DD writers come to realize after the reviews of this season that ninjas are best used sparingly. Last season having a few fool ass ninjas and one badass damn near killed DD super ninja was great. I walked away from it going "Damn they even got ninjas" and felt it added to the show. This season having an endless stream of zombie ninjas just bored the ever loving shit out of me.
I hope that the DD writers come to realize after the reviews of this season that ninjas are best used sparingly. Last season having a few fool ass ninjas and one badass damn near killed DD super ninja was great. I walked away from it going "Damn they even got ninjas" and felt it added to the show. This season having an endless stream of zombie ninjas just bored the ever loving shit out of me.

They're trying to be faithful to the original story, and the struggle between The Chaste and The Hand was integral.

It's tough to do without looking cheesy.

I like it, just like I'd love to see Wolverine go full berserker against dozens of ninjas, which was pretty epic in the comics, and happened a bunch of times.
They're trying to be faithful to the original story, and the struggle between The Chaste and The Hand was integral.

It's tough to do without looking cheesy.

I like it, just like I'd love to see Wolverine go full berserker against dozens of ninjas, which was pretty epic in the comics, and happened a bunch of times.

I respect that, it just didn't really work imo. Hopefully some sort of middle ground can be found.
I respect that, it just didn't really work imo. Hopefully some sort of middle ground can be found.

Not going to lie, I want them to tone that back too.

It's such an awesome show, I want them to be as successful as possible, and it doesn't feel like that road is filled with ninjas.
One of the best seasons of any tv show ever, not just comic book. Had me hooked from beginning til end. Bernthal definitely stole the show

That said, it'd be tough to give him his own show. He'd just be killing guys all day. I think it was the contrast between him and DD's softness that made it so good.

Did anyone else have the feels at the end?
I thought the same. How do you NOT have a Punisher show after that, yet at the same time, how DO you? It can't just be 45 min of him performing fatalities.

As much as I'd love to watch Bernthal buzzsaw his way through the scum of the earth, his Punisher needs someone to act as counterpoint or it descends into a fascists wet dream.
I thought the same. How do you NOT have a Punisher show after that, yet at the same time, how DO you? It can't just be 45 min of him performing fatalities.

As much as I'd love to watch Bernthal buzzsaw his way through the scum of the earth, his Punisher needs someone to act as counterpoint or it descends into a fascists wet dream.
You need to bring in the Russians and THE Russian. Only issue is Daredevil blew that all up last season.

Biggest issue is all his named enemies get taken out. I do suppose they could introduce Jigsaw and Microship. Have Castle become the guy Daredevil uses for getting into areas his red suit won't let him, playing it like GoT does with multiple storylines intertwining and going through... just, less ninjas.
I thought the same. How do you NOT have a Punisher show after that, yet at the same time, how DO you? It can't just be 45 min of him performing fatalities.

As much as I'd love to watch Bernthal buzzsaw his way through the scum of the earth, his Punisher needs someone to act as counterpoint or it descends into a fascists wet dream.

See, the last thing I care about is the action. It's awesome when they do it and it get it right, but mostly I'm there for the story, even with The Punisher. They could make a show for people like me easily, they wouldn't even have to put an action scene in every episode, let alone make the episodes non-stop action.

The challenge is coming up with a season long objective or story. Bernthal was insanely good in season two, but he never had to carry an episode. His scenes were all juice, with the Daredevil crew filling the gaps. I'm curious as to how they'd fill a thirteen hour Punisher story. I'm not saying I don't think they can, I just don't know how they'd do it. I suspect a lot of people just want him killing, all day every day. That won't wash. I doubt most people would be interested in that, although I could be wrong.
I suspect a lot of people just want him killing, all day every day. That won't wash. I doubt most people would be interested in that, although I could be wrong.
Saw series was somehow a thing though.

That said, I still stand by the fact, even as a huge Punisher fan, most of his "enemies" don't stick around long enough other than The Russian to be remembered real well. He kills all of them. A lot of his enemies are also crossovers from Spiderman, Daredevil, and one other superheroes line if I remember right.
Saw series was somehow a thing though.

That said, I still stand by the fact, even as a huge Punisher fan, most of his "enemies" don't stick around long enough other than The Russian to be remembered real well. He kills all of them. A lot of his enemies are also crossovers from Spiderman, Daredevil, and one other superheroes line if I remember right.

Like I said I could be wrong, but just how many people watch Saw for thirteen hours straight?
See, the last thing I care about is the action. It's awesome when they do it and it get it right, but mostly I'm there for the story, even with The Punisher. They could make a show for people like me easily, they wouldn't even have to put an action scene in every episode, let alone make the episodes non-stop action.

The challenge is coming up with a season long objective or story. Bernthal was insanely good in season two, but he never had to carry an episode. His scenes were all juice, with the Daredevil crew filling the gaps. I'm curious as to how they'd fill a thirteen hour Punisher story. I'm not saying I don't think they can, I just don't know how they'd do it. I suspect a lot of people just want him killing, all day every day. That won't wash. I doubt most people would be interested in that, although I could be wrong.
I could see them having one "target" every season, which is plotted kind of like Prison Break where he has to incrementally get over hurdles to reach the objective. That way he could off a few henchmen every episode or so, or get derailed by a Marvel hero's cameo, but you still get the payoff eventually.

Plus he's a presumed dead fugitive, he should be more calculating about how he wages war. They could even play it like a thriller, Bourne or something.

It all hinges on the writing, though. We know Bernthal can hold up his end.
I could see them having one "target" every season, which is plotted kind of like Prison Break where he has to incrementally get over hurdles to reach the objective. That way he could off a few henchmen every episode or so, or get derailed by a Marvel hero's cameo, but you still get the payoff eventually.

Plus he's a presumed dead fugitive, he should be more calculating about how he wages war. They could even play it like a thriller, Bourne or something.

It all hinges on the writing, though. We know Bernthal can hold up his end.

I'm hoping beyond hope that we get a season of Punisher.

I think he was too good for this not to happen.

And the more I think about it, the possibilities just roll in. There are a thousand ways this could be awesome, story wouldn't be a problem. I your idea would work nicely.
Like I said I could be wrong, but just how many people watch Saw for thirteen hours straight?
I'm sure there's people out there that do. There are people out there that love the first one like it's some genius film.
I could see them having one "target" every season, which is plotted kind of like Prison Break where he has to incrementally get over hurdles to reach the objective. That way he could off a few henchmen every episode or so, or get derailed by a Marvel hero's cameo, but you still get the payoff eventually.

Plus he's a presumed dead fugitive, he should be more calculating about how he wages war. They could even play it like a thriller, Bourne or something.

It all hinges on the writing, though. We know Bernthal can hold up his end.

I'm hoping beyond hope that we get a season of Punisher.

I think he was too good for this not to happen.

And the more I think about it, the possibilities just roll in. There are a thousand ways this could be awesome, story wouldn't be a problem. I your idea would work nicely.
Make it happen, Dana!
I know we're all getting Nerd-gasams from Bernthal's Punisher, and rightly so. But it would be unfair not to mention D' Onofrio's triumphant return as Wilson Fisk. I don't know if it's the prison uniform, but D' Onforio looked bigger here than in season 1. I loved the scene in the weight room, where we finally got to see the Kingpin lift. I loved how Fisk started his own gang in prison; it shows he is a highly formidable strategist who can manipulate people and situations to his own purposes.

Kingpin besmirched the Punisher, but in fairness Frank was chained up, and fighting way outside his weight class.

Fisk's final scene in E9, eating dinner by the bedside of his dying enemy, was chillingly malevolent.
I know we're all getting Nerd-gasams from Bernthal's Punisher, and rightly so. But it would be unfair not to mention D' Onofrio's triumphant return as Wilson Fisk. I don't know if it's the prison uniform, but D' Onforio looked bigger here than in season 1. I loved the scene in the weight room, where we finally got to see the Kingpin lift. I loved how Fisk started his own gang in prison; it shows he is a highly formidable strategist who can manipulate people and situations to his own purposes.

Kingpin besmirched the Punisher, but in fairness Frank was chained up, and fighting way outside his weight class.

Fisk's final scene in E9, eating dinner by the bedside of his dying enemy, was chillingly malevolent.
I agree. Literally every single actor/actress was on point this season.

The weakest was Cox, IMO. Everyone else kinda stole the show.
Punisher's thoughts about his family are the only thing that keep him from becoming like say Joker, Sabertooth, or Deathstroke (I know two of those are DC characters but the point stands). Him thinking about his family constantly keeps him from falling into the pure reality of psycho killer.

I do have to say, I like D'Orfino as Kingpin, except for his delivery of lines... they're... a little over the top.

The whole relationship between Castle and his family, at least in the MAX imprint, is heavily implied to be far less straightforward than it first appears. Micro accuses Frank of enjoying killing, and using the tragic deaths of his wife and children as an excuse to fight a war that will never end.

The final story arc of the Punisher MAX, has Castle finally admitting the truth: he had already planned to leave Maria and his children, as he could not adjust to life as a civilian(he had been offered a job by Nick Fury). Unable to tell his wife at first, he takes the family to the Park. He is so distracted and preoccupied he doesn't see the mobsters in time to save his family. Indeed, his last words to his wife, just before she is shot, is to tell her he wants a divorce.

It's implied that Frank wants to punish himself as much as criminals, and this is the reason he forces his ageing body to endure the endless war. When he finally dies, the ME who carries out the autopsy is shocked by the number of injuries he has sustained over the years, saying that Castle should barely have been able to get out of bed in the morning.

This is touched on in the graveyard scene where Frank says he should have seen the mobsters in time to save his family,

"It was my job to protect them...and I failed"
I agree. Literally every single actor/actress was on point this season.

The weakest was Cox, IMO. Everyone else kinda stole the show.

I thought Cox was fine. The problem was that Matt came across as a self-righteous prick due to the script. In fairness, he's like that in the comics sometimes as well.
I thought Cox was fine. The problem was that Matt came across as a self-righteous prick due to the script. In fairness, he's like that in the comics sometimes as well.
Cox was nigh perfection... but everyone else was better.

Cox was the Jessica Jones of Daredevil. He was great in his own right, but when compared to everyone else (Daredevil), he fell short a bit.
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