Danny Green to retire


Blue Belt
Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
From Bigpond Sports

"Champion boxer Danny Green is expected to announce his retirement from the sport at a news conference in Perth this morning.

He became the world light heavyweight champion in December, defeating Croatian Stipe Drews in front of a home crowd.

Green was due to mount his first title defence at Challenge Stadium against Hugo Garay next month"

Link http://bigpondsport.com/tabid/70/Default.aspx?newsId=18379

As an aussie sad to see him go. Wish him the best in his post boxing life.
That's a shame, I was looking forward to the Garay fight, and Green made Stipe Drews look foolish, and also ironically made him retire after their fight.

I can understand the sentiments of wanting to go out on top, but not when you've already signed for and are training for your next fight.

But I also wish all the best to him in his retirement.
I respect his decision. The comment he made that many boxers compete too long I can understand.

It's just all so sudden!

The WBA light-heavyweight world champion tearfully confirmed he was quitting the sport, saying he wants to get out of the fight game to protect himself and his family.

But the 35-year-old's decision is surprising, considering Green himself believes his boxing career and ability is still at its peak.

“I believe I’m at the top of my game and I’m at the peak of my career as a professional fighter,” the two-time world champion said.

“Physically I’m at the best shape of my life and mentally I’m still as hungry as ever, and my performance in training at Saturday would suggest I’m hitting the peak of my boxing ability, which makes this decision so much harder.”


But a tearful Green said today a gut feeling told him it was time to step out of the ring, and he paid tribute to the fans that had supported him throughout his career.

“I woke up Sunday morning with my stomach churning and it was telling me to hang up the gloves, basically. It was a strange feeling but I couldn’t do much about it,” he said.