Daniel's Disastrous Downfall! Dana's Desolation Deepens During Devastating Debacle!


Brown Belt
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score

Vid is time cued, worth the 4 seconds it will take to see Old Red Face's red face.
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There goes the snow on the driveway fund...
Catastrophic Cormier Collapse Creates Consternation! Crowd's Calmness Crashed!
Dana legit shat his chonies right there.

Co-main already cancelled, that coulda been all she wrote.
He's like "FUCK NOT AGAIN."
Catastrophic Cormier Collapse Creates Consternation! Crowd's Calmness Crashed!

Daniel's Disastrous Downfall! Dana's Desolation Deepens During Devastating Debacle!
Ferg tripping on cord ACL injury, DC falling out ratty chair. Dollaway elevator drops 3 stories. Bullshittery never ends
Hello darkness my old friend ~
goofoppotamus face is priceless
Two-time titlist trips tragically thanks to terrible table triggering temporary tippy toe trauma.
LOL at Danas face. As much as I feel for him, that is hilarious!
Dana looks so fucking done. Understandable - losing one main card event to a guy tripping over a wire was ridiculous enough. It happening again within a few months would be straight up ancient curse level of improbable.
Alliteration was cool, in grade 4.
This thread tickles thoughts through timebound tethers! Tingles travel to timbers tangled tweaking transcendence!