Daniel Kelly vs Luke Rockhold

Don't know really. All I know is that he just kicked shoeface's ass. Maybe you should've waited a few more minutes before you shat on him with this thread.
Dan Kelly with that Rizn level standup.
Daniel Kelly always find a way to win. Alvey was a fluke and Kelly wins that fight 99/100.
I'm a Judoka so I default root for Kelly, but I imagine ROckhold DEMOLISHING Kelly.
Too many tools for Kelly.

Kelly TKO round 4 after Rockhold gasses.
I got Kelly in this... Too much haaaht
Kelly via old man strength
I think Rockhold would be a slight favourite, Daniel Kelly has a good chance but he's always the underdog.

That being said, I imagine a close fight but Rockhold wins via a late sub as I think Kelly might gas out in the championship rounds.
Kelly is tough as hell, Kelly for the win! Representin all the 38 yr olds out there
Selling Daniel Kelly bedspreads... anyone want to place an order?

Kelly bless
Kelly would wreck Luke and Luke is ducking him. Kelly bless.