Daniel Cormier as UFC president would be one of the worst things ever

It will never happen. But Cormier is a great guy. Not for that kind of position, I don't think, he's too warm.
if he ever have a job ine the ufc it will be a fake one ,like griffin ,hughes or liddell
who would put a guy who know nothing about business in charge of 4billion $ business? are you all serious with this nonsense ?

To be fair Dana himself has never been in total control of the UFC and I wouldn't be supprised if/when he retires we see a shift towards there being more of a technical director dealing with the day to day running and more of a frontman dealing with PR and maybe involved in booking some fights.
When you see how he coaches fighters you see the man has some substance.

Does that make you able to run a multi-million sports franchise. IDK

He's a class act though. The only people who don't like him are insecure Jones fans who wish they hadn't nailed their colours to that mast.
Multi billion
The president is really the face of the organization. I personally believe DC would make a great UFC President. He is loved in the MMA community and has been involved in combat sports for most of his life. He will be surrounded by competent professionals that can help him with any aspect of the business that he doesn’t understand. You people are acting like he’ll be building a business from the ground up. The UFC is already a success and will continue to succeed whenever the fights continue.
Either McGregor, The Schmo or Luke Thomas should take over from Dana.
The idea in general to put in active fighters as commentators is very dumb. You then have rivalries being played out, favoritism shown...etc No fighter is above that. It should be like in most other sports. You ever seen an active football player being a commentator? Tennis?

Its ridicolous and stupid.

Yep, there is an obvious conflict of interest when you have active fighters do the pundits job.
Tony - Lee comes to mind and there are many other example.
Its also a way to maintain low revenus for the fighters.
By giving to the smartest guys extra revenu and career opportunities for the after career, you dont push them to create a union or some equivalent.
DC, Kenflo, Bisping, Cruz never pushed for an union, its no surprise
Something about Dana's personality is straight toxic. Can't put my finger on it, but Dana is a tool. Def feels like a know it all who's ass you NEED to kiss.

He would run UFC to the ground with his atrocious matchmaking, if he was responsible for matchmaking, which he's not.

Dana's friends are natural business men. Sure, he's petty, but Dana gets shit CANCELLED. He even tried to book a UFC fight during a global epidemic because he saw money signs. His self interest is so transparent how could you not despise him?

DC would be the type that embraces the sport, not the business.

Not my president is something retards say when they don't realise presidents are for entities as whole, not individuals.

I assume that's what you meant to type.
On one hand we have: DC who has a college education. Decades of being an athlete at the highest level. Tons of experience in mma.

The other hand: the opinion of some dude on a mma forum who doesnt even train and lives in his parents basement.
It's settled then!
TS for UFC president!!!
To be fair Dana himself has never been in total control of the UFC and I wouldn't be supprised if/when he retires we see a shift towards there being more of a technical director dealing with the day to day running and more of a frontman dealing with PR and maybe involved in booking some fights.
Yeah I think some people are forgetting for a long time the Feritta's were the ones running things behind the scenes and Dana was the media man. It wasn't like Dana was completely in charge of a multi billion dollar company. And today, I'm sure it's the same, with WME-IMG people running a lot of things behind the scenes (although maybe Dana does have a bit more control since the takeover).

So yeah, whoever takes over from Dana, will be the frontman for the UFC, but he won't be entirely responsible for running the company. But, other than for health issues, I don't see Dana stepping aside for some time and I can't see any reason why WME-IMG would replace him.
Yeah. I think the UFC could use him in another role though.
I still think Chael is the right successor,

He's pretty morally corrupt like Dana, full of shit like Dana, but very charismatic and people friendly.