Danas ass has T minus 24:00 hours left.

Dana's meniere disease put him on queer street a long time ago buddy.
Reminds me of, "Imma have to dig in that ass".
MMA fighters enjoy butt penetration apparently.
Dana's biggest regret in life will be allowing a wild animal on Fight Island. Pick your poison.. The virus, or an animal bred to be game. The UFC will answer to Masvidal moving forward.

Punishable by law in Abu Dhabi

In retrospect I admire how Chael talked thousands of hours of trash without ever falling into the homoeroticism trap.
In my town, wrapping your legs around another mans head for 12 seconds makes you... not a winner.
In retrospect I admire how Chael talked thousands of hours of trash without ever falling into the homoeroticism trap.
There was that time he was gonna sneak into Wanderlei's bedroom and catch him sleeping with Shogun/ Big Nog, but you have to ask why he would sneak in, in the first place.