Dana White: "I swear to god I'm not mad even a little bit. Our relationship isn’t damaged at all."

It's beautiful. Dana will never learn. Ronda, PVZ, Sage and now Conor.

CM Punk is next if he actually manages to win a fight.

Well the moral of the story is you can't book MMA (a sport) like pro wrestling (a TV show). You just can't. There are actually times where I wonder what would happen or what the promotional power would be behind someone who wins a lot and faces the best fighters as much as possible. I mean imagine the UFC's promotional power getting behind a Fedor or Silva in their primes scenario here in the states instead of Japan....

The problem with the Conor stuff was that the booking around him was just so freaking ham-fisted. They moved top contenders out of the way in three divisions to keep title shots open for him. That and strategically closed off other fighters and in order to keep them away from him longer. I can't even fathom why any human on earth would think that Stevie Thompson-Conor would be a competitive fight. Or that Conor would do nothing but play the part of a bucket mop against Khabib for three rounds. They're mismatch, non-competitive fights and you know what? They'd never happen! Ever! There's no freaking way Dana would allow it. There were about 12-15 dudes who you could argue had their careers stuck in neutral for a few months so Dana could parade his sock puppet around and get paid for promotional appearances. Seriously: Lawler, McDonald, Thompson, Diaz, Alvarez, Khabib, Ferguson, RDA, Aldo, Edgar all directly... then a ton of other dudes like Mendes, Pettis, Hendricks, Cerrone who are looking on the outside trying to get back in contention but can't until the dudes in the previous group have a plan - none of whom do have an actual plan.

I mean this is a guy who basically arbitrarily offered a title shot to Ronda because she 'shows up for everything we've asked her to do.' Which basically boils down to - 'she shows up and does her little dance, poses for photos, so she gets the shot.'

Now try to imagine a baseball GM coming out and being asked 'why is player X on the team still?' And his answer: he shows up for team picture day and signs baseballs.

That's basically what we're dealing with in an actual, legitimate sport, here.
I find it highly unusual that Dana had such a calm/composed response...that's just not like him.

usually he'll stammer a bit and turn bright red if he was asked such a question lol

I say he knows A LOT more about Conors future and UFC 200 than he is letting on. I believe Conor has not retired and will likely be back sooner or later (maybe after ufc 200) and Dana damn well knows it
The other thing I wonder about is whether Dana and crew actually talked Conor out of the fight. I know there were rumblings of them trying to talk him out of setting the rematch to begin with... Seems unlikely to a degree, but I do wonder.
I find it highly unusual that Dana had such a calm/composed response...that's just not like him.

usually he'll stammer a bit and turn bright red if he was asked such a question lol

I say he knows A LOT more about Conors future and UFC 200 than he is letting on. I believe Conor has not retired and will likely be back sooner or later (maybe after ufc 200) and Dana damn well knows it

He had his PR person write a script and he practiced it in front of the mirror for hours.

You saw how he reacted when Cain got KO'd in 1 minute in front of millions, GSP suddenly announced he was retiring, and Holly getting choked out with 1 minute left.
Lmao do you not know the names of the 12 months?

No I mean, he wanted to move it 2 months earlier than UFC 200.
I don't get why..

EDIT: I got strange vibes from that interview. I have no idea what it is, but something seemed off to me.
No I mean, he wanted to move it 2 months earlier than UFC 200.
I don't get why..

EDIT: I got strange vibes from that interview. I have no idea what it is, but something seemed off to me.

Might have something to do with both of them always lying?
At this point, I think Dana an Co are ready for anything...

Conor pulling a strange move for whatever reason is not out of the realm of possibility.

Hasn't dana kind of seen it all already with tito, bj, and randy?
Lack of money? Did I miss the UFC being near bankrupt or something, or am I misreading you?

I mistyped. I meant "love" of money. Ya, lack of money doesn't make much sense.....heh.