Dana White HUGE Arms

Conflict of interest.

Of course he wasn't harsh on Brock, they have the same dealer.
I've been clean from steroid all my life but honestly since I'm not tested all this ufc PED s**t and seeing someone like Dana getting this big, well I feel like if I had the knowledge I'd do PED f/ck it I said it
For all the gamurs out there.

Which supplements does Dana prefer? Discuss
Dana vs Brock at MSG
Buying some quality gear with that 300 mil
He's just a jacked white boy. Deal with it.
I'll get to the bottom of this...

I thought it was a shoop but damn he's getting them Lorenzo arms

image.jpg BRAND NEW photo of Dana whizzzite looking strapped.

Oh and mystic mac working the camera in the background.
lol I think there is some morphing going on. I mean the dudes' heads are tiny :D