Dana-“Every time I get something figured out, I wake up and the entire world has changed”

Dana had no plan. That's why he kept stringing along suckers.
No way genius?

A rapidly spreading virus with exponentially increasing deaths and borders closing everyday and you think planing a month ahead with information purely based on the current cirmunstances with zero knowledge how things will progress is gonna do the trick huh?
It’s insane this guy is so successful and rich.

the dude isn’t smart at all but he still made tons of cash.
Just delay the fight until the summer Dana...

This idiots greed is what complicates his life.
Dana is making a fool of himself and makes the whole sport look bush league as well.

Russia began to implement flight restrictions more than two weeks ago. You didn't have to be a genius to figure out what's going on ffs.
Dana is an idiot who didn't take the Coronavirus seriously enough.

It's 100% his fault.
Starts around 1:40. If it’s been posted, please merge or delete.

He's having a hard time understanding that he can't control this virus the way he controls his employees and the press that cover the UFC. If there was a way Dana could bully this virus he would do it.
He's having a hard time understanding that he can't control this virus the way he controls his employees and the press that cover the UFC. If there was a way Dana could bully this virus he would do it.

Dana continues to act like this isn’t a big deal. He wants to get back to normal, that’s fine, we all do, but I think most of us can just take a backseat and say you know what? We can hit the pause button for a while.
Dana won't outright blame Khabib because he's a big enough star that Dana doesn't want to openly criticize him. He'll instead make small insinuations that it's Khabib's fault, and when a reporter presses him to come out and just say it, Dana will lose his shit and tell them they're stupid, etc.

If Khabib :

1) fucked this up by leaving the country against Dana's wishes

2) then went on the internet and made up BS about Dana telling him that the fight would 100% not be in the states

3) and also made up BS about Dana telling him that the fight would be in the eastern hemisphere, most likely in the UAE.

then Dana wouldn't just be pissed, he would be super pissed and he would at the very least let the media know that Khabib is completely full of shit.
Got some real stupid motherfuckers in here. Why do y'all keep insisting Khabib fucked up leaving the US when the fight was clearly not gonna happen here? Then he would've been stuck either way. Not to mention he couldn't train here. Truth is, he made the right move. Dana failed to get it done. They tried, it didn't work out.
Got some real stupid motherfuckers in here. Why do y'all keep insisting Khabib fucked up leaving the US when the fight was clearly not gonna happen here? Then he would've been stuck either way. Not to mention he couldn't train here. Truth is, he made the right move. Dana failed to get it done. They tried, it didn't work out.

Tiny is a scary guy. I don't fault khavib for running from him.
‘Do you want to bet against me? <Lmaoo>

If Khabib :

1) fucked this up by leaving the country against Dana's wishes

2) then went on the internet and made up BS about Dana telling him that the fight would 100% not be in the states

3) and also made up BS about Dana telling him that the fight would be in the eastern hemisphere, most likely in the UAE.

then Dana wouldn't just be pissed, he would be super pissed and he would at the very least let the media know that Khabib is completely full of shit.

Maybe, but no matter how pissed Dana got I wouldn't believe him over Khabib. Or probably over most fighters.

Hell, Dana himself said the fight would "likely" be outside the U.S., and he said it publicly. I don't doubt he told Khabib it definitely would.

Maybe Khabib shouldn't have left, IDK. That said, this fight (or any) happening in the U.S. mid April? I really doubt it, so people should just take it easy in saying the fight isn't happening due to Khabib. If Tony fights Justin in the U.S. on April 18 I guess we can reassess but that's really unlikely to happen imo.
By now anytime there is a headline that says “Dana says... this or that will happen” the opposite happens. You can take that to the bank.
Are casinos closed too? Dana is going mental not being able to gamble fighters paychecks to put snow in his driveway.
Are casinos closed too? Dana is going mental not being able to gamble fighters paychecks to put snow in his driveway.

They are closed, hence the reason he is more pissy lately.
Should've thought twice before making those dumbass remarks downplaying Corona and insulting people who are worried.