Damn.. Grandpop old almost got popped

I'm all for the death penalty in this case. He sentenced that old man to death and his gun jamming is the only thing that spared his life. I have no problem with sentencing his ass to the chair.
What's your solution?
I am not a child who believes there is a 'solution' to every problem.

The US corporate structure and middle and upper class require lower class workers to fill most menial jobs.

Those workers tend to have the least mobility and thus need to live in reasonable proximity to the cities and that means that often 'ghettos' will form to house them. Criminal elements will always intermix with that community. That means if they can get in to go to work, since it is close enough, then criminal elements can get in to do crime. If you make so far criminal elements cannot get in to do crime, then you make too far for the workers to get in to do work.

The only solution is to have the MC and upper people do all the work themselves, which is not going to happen as they don't want to, and would mean less profits.
I am not a child who believes there is a 'solution' to every problem.

The US corporate structure and middle and upper class require lower class workers to fill most menial jobs.

Those workers tend to have the least mobility and thus need to live in reasonable proximity to the cities and that means that often 'ghettos' will form to house them. Criminal elements will always intermix with that community. That means if they can get in to go to work, since it is close enough, then criminal elements can get in to do crime. If you make so far criminal elements cannot get in to do crime, then you make too far for the workers to get in to do work.

The only solution is to have the MC and upper people do all the work themselves, which is not going to happen as they don't want to, and would mean less profits.
Do you have any ideas on what the best policy should be with regards to reducing crime near nice areas? Or should things remain the same because the outcomes we are getting now are about the best they can get?
Is it just me or does the anchor dude kind of look like John Cena?
It's like it's Divine Intervention

Attempted home invasion/murder caught on surveillance in Las Vegas

We've been flooded with refugee Californians over the decades and they're committing all sorts of crime over here

This old dude got super lucky

Yeah cause Vegas never had crime lmao
Where do you think that character came from? Do you think he lives in the neighborhood? Or do you think he's from a considerably less nice neighborhood? He was obviously living close enough to terrorize that old man.
Are you retarded? Your solution is asinine.
This is another example of why the world would be a better place with less people from ghettos living near civilization. Move all of the ghettos as far away from nice places as possible so ghetto thugs don't terrorize the rest of society.

This post is pretty similar to one that got me a double yellow card. The mod who read that post thought I was talking about race. I'm not talking about race though, nor was I talking about race when I got my double yellow card. This is not a racial problem. This is a ghetto problem. There are members of all races in the ghetto. There members of all races who are thugs. Ghettos should not be located anywhere near suburbs or cities because spill over from the ghettos is by far the biggest cause of most of your serious crime that takes place in suburbs and cities. Ghettos are a hazard to the rest of society which is why they need to be kept separate and far away from the rest of society.

There are only so many ways to deal with the ghetto problem. Liberals have a soft spot for ghettos and think the solution is to just dump as much money into them as possible in the hopes that having free stuff will somehow transform the character of the people living in the ghetto. It would be way easier though just to tear the ghettos down and not allow ghettos to be anywhere near suburbs or cities.

Now if a mod could kindly remove my double yellow card that I got from falsely being accused of racism that would be great. This has nothing to do with race. There are good and decent people of all races.
So you aren't racist you are classist?
Thanks for clearing that up.
Wow, dude got lucky.

Looks like a nice, safe, neighborhood otherwise, unfortunate that this couldn't even protect him from violence.

Nothing worse than people who pick on defenseless people like children or the elderly.

Lucky indeed.

This 80 year old guy has had 62 years to buy a gun. He is only defenseless because he chooses to be.
Old man deserves to have whatever number of free pops at this guys face he wants in an ideal world, and then the scumbag locked up for life
looks like someone beat the shit outta that loser armondo
This old dude is probably the plug.
So you aren't racist you are classist?
Thanks for clearing that up.
Do you like ghettos? Would you like to see more of them near you? Describe your ideal ghetto and where you would like to see it located.

In my opinion, ghettos, slums, projects whatever you want to call these areas, are full of blighted buildings and a mixture of useful and dangerous people.

To me, it should be a goal of cities everywhere to remove as many blighted buildings and as many high risk people that are on public assistance. The risk of different individuals vary. A higher risk individual would be someone with a criminal record, frequently unemployed, didn't graduate, etc...

Cities are high demand areas that should be attracting the best, particularly when it comes to low income people that depend on government assistance. Phase your highest risk people out with lowest risk people and don't bring in more high risk people. There are different ways of doing it, it can be very abrupt or less abrupt, but the goal should be to replace high risk with low risk and to not let the population get much higher than the available jobs to support them. Check with economists and business leaders to determine an adequate number of low income workers needed.

Relocate the highest risk individuals as far away as possible. Make that a condition of receiving government assistance. The higher their risk, the further away they should be.

Big cities have billions of dollars worth of investment. That's not where you want to keep your high risk individuals.

Give me your best arguments for why you would want your highest risk people near your best infrastructure. Explain how it would benefit the city to have them.
Do you like ghettos? Would you like to see more of them near you? Describe your ideal ghetto and where you would like to see it located.

In my opinion, ghettos, slums, projects whatever you want to call these areas, are full of blighted buildings and a mixture of useful and dangerous people.

To me, it should be a goal of cities everywhere to remove as many blighted buildings and as many high risk people that are on public assistance. The risk of different individuals vary. A higher risk individual would be someone with a criminal record, frequently unemployed, didn't graduate, etc...

Cities are high demand areas that should be attracting the best, particularly when it comes to low income people that depend on government assistance. Phase your highest risk people out with lowest risk people and don't bring in more high risk people. There are different ways of doing it, it can be very abrupt or less abrupt, but the goal should be to replace high risk with low risk and to not let the population get much higher than the available jobs to support them. Check with economists and business leaders to determine an adequate number of low income workers needed.

Relocate the highest risk individuals as far away as possible. Make that a condition of receiving government assistance. The higher their risk, the further away they should be.

Big cities have billions of dollars worth of investment. That's not where you want to keep your high risk individuals.

Give me your best arguments for why you would want your highest risk people near your best infrastructure. Explain how it would benefit the city to have them.

Thats a long ass "yes" you just posted.
I guess the statement, there is nothing more useless than a loaded gun seems pretty wrong for the old guy. He found it very useful.
Yea, I have no doubt the robber was from somewhere else. I'm just saying it sucks to live in some place so nice and still have to worry about getting robbed at gunpoint.

Have to move further away. Nice but driveable from bad neighborhoods is still a risk.
Nunes was destroyed by Pena in their previous fight as well.

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