Question may be asked poorly. I'm trying. For those that train at academies with advanced no-gi programs or people that compete in advanced no-gi divisions. Are the days of people looking for the back and possibly looking for other chokes or far side arm attacks along the way, are those days basically over and done with? At one point that was the advanced no-gi game. Back hunting and staying on the head hunting for chokes on top.
The reason I ask is I've seen several nogi sub only events recently besides EBI. That newaza challenge event, that Show The Art Finishers event, and that Sapateiro event. It looks like the meta game of the foot locks is in full effect. Constant diving on leg entanglements with little attempts to get into passing positions besides some attempts at rolling kimuras or diving onto a guillotine, darce, or arm triangle. Or hell even from top positions back down to leg attacks. So for the most part among the below middleweight especially it looks like lots of spamming leg attacks. Even the name of that Sapateiro event is a foot lock related name.
Is this the no-gi equivalent of when everyone on earth was going for berimbolos in for that 2-3 year stretch in the early 2010s? The school I train at isn't very leg lock heavy at all and we only the learn the very basics so sadly I don't get to learn a lot of the current leg lock stuff going on. I wish I could.
So for anyone that trains at a school that does a lot of nogi, is this sort of what's also going on in classes and being taught across the board?
The reason I ask is I've seen several nogi sub only events recently besides EBI. That newaza challenge event, that Show The Art Finishers event, and that Sapateiro event. It looks like the meta game of the foot locks is in full effect. Constant diving on leg entanglements with little attempts to get into passing positions besides some attempts at rolling kimuras or diving onto a guillotine, darce, or arm triangle. Or hell even from top positions back down to leg attacks. So for the most part among the below middleweight especially it looks like lots of spamming leg attacks. Even the name of that Sapateiro event is a foot lock related name.
Is this the no-gi equivalent of when everyone on earth was going for berimbolos in for that 2-3 year stretch in the early 2010s? The school I train at isn't very leg lock heavy at all and we only the learn the very basics so sadly I don't get to learn a lot of the current leg lock stuff going on. I wish I could.
So for anyone that trains at a school that does a lot of nogi, is this sort of what's also going on in classes and being taught across the board?