The styles are far different. Meisha was very smart to not rush at Holly and get murdered by her movement and counter striking. She was still losing the exchanges for the most part but she understood that she needed to be patient and get her to the ground. She was coasting to lose a decision but then her patience paid off as we seen. Very smart fight for Meisha, she really only had that avenue to win and she did it.
Holly will smash people that rush her and can't take her down, I would guess Nunes is next for Holly. Nunes is a lesser skilled Ronda, I bet the farm on Holly in that one.
Ronda will not look to draw Meisha in for a striking battle and just run in and grab her, Meisha is better now than she was. We will see but it may turn out with the same result as always.
If Ronda comes back, Nunez is swimming around, Holly is not going away and if Zingano ever comes back, I would say the odds of Meisha holding the belt for a lengthy time is unlikely.
I adore Meisha, she is a hard worker and scrappy as hell but she is looking at a pretty tall order imo. I am just glad she tasted gold before she is done. You just never know in mma, maybe she proves me wrong.
I can not stand Ronda, but I think she can still beat Meisha unfortunately. I hope I am wrong.