Opinion Cultural Marxism is a Nazi conspiracy theory.

When you look at the source for where this graphic comes from (Pew) it explains the reasons for the Democrats shift to "consistently liberal" and it isn't exactly the adoption of fringe beliefs. The reason for the shift is a greater % of Democrats believe the government should do more to help the needy, or feel diplomacy is the best way to ensure peace, rather than military strength, for example. Even if you don't agree (I don't actually agree with the latter point), these aren't fringe, radical beliefs, that show some sea change with Democrats.
When Democrats move further to the left they are just being more compassionate. And fringe beliefs like: gender affirming care for children, abortion at any stage in the pregnancy, defund the police, etc aren't gaining any steam. Lol, yeah sure sure. Whats the weather like in fantasy land?
When Democrats move further to the left they are just being more compassionate. And fringe beliefs like: gender affirming care for children, abortion at any stage in the pregnancy, defund the police, etc aren't gaining any steam. Lol, yeah sure sure. Whats the weather like in fantasy land?

Read his post more closely.
The first page of this thread was a delight. A flat earthen beating the TS face in because he holds equally retarded beleifs and the flat earther is on topic. How embarrassing for Hola. This is the lowest I've ever seen him. And this page was peak sherdog. Fuck the other 9.
LMFAO. Nobody is buying your backpedaling routine.

You were gullible. You bought wholesale a carefully crafted lie because it was what you wanted to believe, and you weren't smart enough to see through it.

Stupid People are more dangerous than malicious people

Like the people who believes the constant lies coming out of the Biden Admin

Remember our resident "Inflation is Transitory" Jackhole?

Wannabe white liberal intellectuals are the most dangerous because they think they know more than everyone and that they can dictate policy for others they deem are below them...

Including minority groups, lower class families, etc...

Thank god for White Liberals...