Crowds at UFC fight events shrieking woo constantly


White Belt
Aug 24, 2017
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It's highly irritating and drives me nuts. I just want to KO every one of these stupid idiots who think it's a fun idea to shriek woo woo woooo wooo non stop!, throughout the entire event, event after event after event. It's moronic. Just shutup and give it a rest!
Someone needs to pimp-slap the mo fo that starts that shit up.


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i think a lot of them don't even know what it means. it came from europe where they whistle instead of boo, and the americans here just think it's something fun to do or something.
Probably the new casual wmma/Conor fans. They're awful in person as well as sherdog
They were doing it at Werdum Vs Tybura at Fight Night in Sydney too. It's contagious.
i think a lot of them don't even know what it means. it came from europe where they whistle instead of boo, and the americans here just think it's something fun to do or something.

A lot of it is Ric Flair impressions.

Uneducated plebs unfamiliair with the goat Ric Flair.
LOL at acting like this is casuals or Conor fans. It's been happening for years when the crowds dead.

It’s better than booing when a fight goes to the crowd, but it’s still something fans do when the fight is boring
USA never going to clap politely for a nice ground transition, they gonna fuckin WOOO!
I don't mind some sound from the audience at times, but constant screaming for no reason is pretty stupid yes.
I know it's an old wwf thing but I'm sure it came to MMA in a season of TUF years ago. One fighter did it constantly (Chris Cope?) and then at the finale the crowd started and it's been around ever since. I don't remember it happening before then.

Annoying as fuck though.
Needs to be like the Pride audience with the Yakuza standing close by if anyone gets out of line.
yo randy flair, woo! bone cold, sean william michaels, joe the shake roberts. love em all.
i think a lot of them don't even know what it means. it came from europe where they whistle instead of boo, and the americans here just think it's something fun to do or something.
I thought it was in honor of Ric Flair.

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