Pretty good upper body defensive responsibility on your part bro. I feel like you were way too tentative because you were afraid that he was gonna catch you with looping overhands when he threw one after another. Technically speaking, his crazy haymaykers were REALLY open for a timed straight right hand since there was a slight delay between them. You could've done it one of two ways. You could have traded a hard (commited) straight right for his looping overhand, given that you kept defensively responsible and kept your left hand high (blocking your ears and temple) and elbow a little forward (instead of having your elbow pointed downward) while you throwing your right hand. Another counter is a jab off of his overhand right. You throw a stiff left jab (while keeping your right hand up ready to block his left hand that he followed up with often after his wild right) right after his overhand right lands on your left glove. Also, he was open for head kicks pretty much the whole third round when he was tired and let his hands stay low. Do a bunch of throwaway body kicks/punches (to get him committed to blocking low) then do a hard and fast as you can head kick after you've baited him to block low. I would say let him be the aggressor, let him follow you, then dictate the exchanges. The thing with fighting backwards is you can stop at anytime. The problem a lot of people seem to have is knowing when to stop (plant your feet), and throw. Timing is absolute key for aggressive windmillers. He never changed his angle of approach, so it was always predictable where his head would be, therefore making him the perfect target for a counter punch. There's always working him with angles, but that's another response. Being a counter-fighter myself, I look for timing and patterns first, then look to exploit them after (so I'm a little biased as how I would approach fighting your opponent). I'm ok at leading, but I think I'll let some of these other guys put in their two cents in about leading the action. Btw, his left flank was open for a right roundhouse to the kidneys after he threw his hooks. All timing bro.