Critique My Matches


Drilling in the south
May 4, 2010
Reaction score
These are my matches from the NAGA worlds last weekend. I know I need to keep my hips lower when passing but what else doo's you guys see? All input is welcome and appreciated

I had a question on the first one, When that guy pulled inverted guard, is there a reason you didn't follow him.
It seemed awfully slow. I'm not "Hating" I'm just wondering.
But your control is very good and I liked the second Gi match the most.
f*ckin baller uki waza in the 2nd video

You like the knee ride with it?

I had a question on the first one, When that guy pulled inverted guard, is there a reason you didn't follow him.
It seemed awfully slow. I'm not "Hating" I'm just wondering.
But your control is very good and I liked the second Gi match the most.

Thanks but I'm not sure really, I guess it was a heat of the moment decision. I saw his previous match and knew he liked inverted guard/guard period so I didn't want to get caught up in it.

I love your killer grips

Thanks, which ones?
He had his foot in my armpit and I couldn't get it out at the time without losing position so I figured I could throw him again.
In the third video, who is talking shit? The guy's coach or the guy you were competing against?
In the third video, who is talking shit? The guy's coach or the guy you were competing against?

I don't think anyone was. After the match the guy was talking shit to his girlfriend about how he should've beat me. What was said during the match?
The person taping the match I think (your girlfriend/wife/friend/sister) says "he's talking shit."

I know it's not a big deal or anything I was just wondering if it was the guy you were against talking shit midmatch and if they could get DQ or lose popints or something for that. I had a guy talk and make jokes during one of my matches and it was annoying as fuck
very cool matches... great judo!

match 2 & 3: i would advise not going to combat base when he has the DLR hook though, this is a bad habit
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Wasn't that tominagi not uki waza?

*tomoe nage

and i believe it was an uki waza. it's my favorite throw and i definitely saw it in these matches.

how big are you (nod)? the guy in the last vid looked huge in comparison
The person taping the match I think (your girlfriend/wife/friend/sister) says "he's talking shit."

I know it's not a big deal or anything I was just wondering if it was the guy you were against talking shit midmatch and if they could get DQ or lose popints or something for that. I had a guy talk and make jokes during one of my matches and it was annoying as fuck

Oh that, we were joking around while competing and she thought I was talking shit to him.

Wasn't that tominagi not uki waza?

No sir, Tomoe Nage is an over the body/head throw using their forward momentum against them to help propel them over. Ala this one

very cool matches... great judo!

match 2 & 3: i would advise not going to combat base when he has the DLR hook though, this is a bad habit

Thanks, I had a great teacher. And it is a bad habit but I was expecting the berimbolo and was ready to try and counter.

*tomoe nage

and i believe it was an uki waza. it's my favorite throw and i definitely saw it in these matches.

how big are you (nod)? the guy in the last vid looked huge in comparison

It's a modified Uki Waza. And most guys are bigger than me. I'm 5'9 160. I'm usually the smallest in the division.
Oh that, we were joking around while competing and she thought I was talking shit to him.

No sir, Tomoe Nage is an over the body/head throw using their forward momentum against them to help propel them over. Ala this one

Thanks, I had a great teacher. And it is a bad habit but I was expecting the berimbolo and was ready to try and counter.

It's a modified Uki Waza. And most guys are bigger than me. I'm 5'9 160. I'm usually the smallest in the division.

Tomoe Nage can be done to the side. The defining difference is posting the hip, which you are not doing. Good demo:

On to your matches, I noticed a few trends through them.
Solid Uki Waza. ;)

Head position, if you are going to move in, be pressuring their head, taking it out of alignment. The other reason for head position is for detecting his movement, his head will move across you if he changes levels, giving us an early tell. Pushing your forehead into his shoulder doesn't do a whole lot, and if he knew a shot, wouldn't stop it.

You seem stuck in top half guard, I'd recommend drilling the knee slide. And go go go, don't stop and let them establish position.

Similar scenario for open guard. You seem to pause and let them establish grips before you start to fight. Keep movement going, and pressure all the way through.

Tomoe Nage can be done to the side. The defining difference is posting the hip, which you are not doing. Good demo:

On to your matches, I noticed a few trends through them.
Solid Uki Waza. ;)

Head position, if you are going to move in, be pressuring their head, taking it out of alignment. The other reason for head position is for detecting his movement, his head will move across you if he changes levels, giving us an early tell. Pushing your forehead into his shoulder doesn't do a whole lot, and if he knew a shot, wouldn't stop it.

You seem stuck in top half guard, I'd recommend drilling the knee slide. And go go go, don't stop and let them establish position.

Similar scenario for open guard. You seem to pause and let them establish grips before you start to fight. Keep movement going, and pressure all the way through.


Great tips! I didn't realize that I stop and go a lot till you mention it.

Are you local to dfw?

No sir, but I do compete there a few times this year. I travel from Northwest Arkansas.