CRISPR gene editing could lead to treatment for down syndrome

Thought this was the entire point? I first heard about this years ago and I remembered it because it was supposed to tell parents of their kid was going to be retarded.
People always seem to forget that this tech is a double-edged sword.

Nanomaterials, NeuroS/T, and Bioweapons

Nanotechnology has been shown to be useful in controlling, guiding, and delivering molecules in biological systems to produce desired effects, and this has improved brain imaging and neuroactive drug delivery.17 As well, targeting molecules using nanotechnology has increased the possibility of genetically editing the brain.18 For example, nanolipoproteins (NLPs) mimic naturally occurring molecules and can be used to carry various biological substances (for example, nucleic acids, proteins, and other small compounds) to a desired location in the brain.19 Because these NLPs closely mimic molecules occurring naturally in humans, detecting their use (for example, in novel neuroweapons) would be difficult.20 Some proof of concept can be drawn from a 2019 study that used a mouse model to demonstrate the use of such nanotechnological stabilizing methods, the ability to transport modified molecules to the brain (that would otherwise not be possible), and to target and alter specific neural genes in the adult brain.21 Such methods could be used to genetically enhance neural structures and functions of their own personnel, as well as design novel agents that could degrade adversarial targets. Other applications of nanotechnology are enabling:

  • insertion of very small-scale (nano) devices to remotely control organs and/or organisms
  • modification of existing and/or creation of new neuropathogens (for example, nanoparticulate matter capable of exerting pathogenic effects in living organisms)
  • enhanced delivery methods of drugs and/or toxins
  • the disguise of organic molecules to avoid their detection.22

Nanotechnology is considered a relatively new science, and it remains unchecked by international treaties despite its viability and utility for various WINS applications.

Modified, non-infectious viruses have also been used as scaffolding to transport materials to edit genetic material.23 The lentiviruses (immunodeficiency viruses) have been favored because of their ability to integrate their genetic material (including any desired gene edits) to chromosomes of a variety of human cell types.24 This form of gene editing was used in a recent experiment that employed a modified Simian immunodeficiency virus to introduce the human MCPH1 gene (a major genetic factor in human brain evolution) into a non-human primate (a rhesus monkey).25 Following successful lentivirus-facilitated MCPH1 gene delivery, the monkeys showed decreased reaction times and enhanced short-term memory. Modifying the genome of non-human primates to make them more similar to humans may yield novel models for neurogenetic research and may speed the pace of translational research for human applications. However, we believe that it is important to question what types of neurogenetic research (for example, development of optimized functions and traits, modification of brain maturation or aging, resistance or susceptibility to particular pathogens) and toward what ends research findings, capabilities, and tools will be applied. In this regard, dual and direct WINS uses are not beyond the pale of possibility.26

Sound familiar? Like maybe something that happened in 2020. What was it called again?
It's his gimmick to just say it endlessly. Just ignore it.
I'm wondering if he got in trouble for something he said, so now he's doing the no comment gimmick in protest.

If he had dubz I guess I didn't notice

What I'm more concerned about is the barpocalypse. Original bars won't be coming in spurts, the'll be coming in drips. Lyrically stylish raps won't be true they'll be fibbin. These AI rappers gonna have us trippin. No authentic raps, that's a given. It will be the downfall of our raps like to Tyson was Robyn Givens. Rest in Peace Rap Gods, these AI bots the cribbin.
Random thing. I swear I was being nice to someone at the gym today because I thought they had downs. I overheard him talking to his homie and he is normal. He looked like one of Marlon Brando's son.
Random thing. I swear I was being nice to someone at the gym today because I thought they had downs. I overheard him talking to his homie and he is normal. He looked like one of Marlon Brando's son.
You don't think it be like it is, but it do!