Cowboy Oliveira is an exciting fighter to watch


Blue Belt
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
If this dude gets his techniqual game figure out, he could easily be a contender
He’s 30 and been fighting almost 9 years. His game probably won’t tighten up much.
He's alright

He's very rough around the edges, I never know when to bet him
Last night was a breeze though
His fight stance is amazing. No one can touch him in the 1st round.
Agreed. Always liked him since he took the short notice fight with Cerrone. Condit is a huge feather in his cap. He should fight another "well known" opponent next for people to start talking about him in contention.
Guys definitely got some momentum. Who's next? Winner (or possibly loser) of WB/Till?
He fights for real that's what I like

Too many fights look like sparring matches, we were talking about this last night. Too many times fighters wait for the other guy to set before striking, instead of attacking during transitions when you can catch the opponent off guard. Oliviera is that type of fighter that it doesn't look like a sparring match he does crazy shit during transitions to make it more like a real fight.