County says the front of my house isn't the front of my house


Yellow Card
Oct 6, 2016
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So I'm looking to have an extra building built in my back yard, and the county code phagit is telling me that after years of living here, that the front of my house is actually the side and the side is the front.

Claims that although my mailbox, electrical meter and water meter are in my FRONT YARD, that it is actually my side because the front, sides and rear of the house depends on the outer dimensions of the house. And that because my house is oddly shaped, technically my front is my side.

Code states that the secondary building/garage must not be able to be seen from the "front".

The way my house is built next to my neighbor, it is impossible to put a building of any size in my "back"(side) yard according to the code phagit's definition.

I live in georgia.

Does anyone know what's up with these codes and if what this nerd is saying is true? Or is he trying to be a prick because I gave him shit a couple years back about a deck I was building at the time?
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That's kind of fucked. Any way to appeal it or are you stuck?
So build on your side yard then.
Does anyone know what's up with these codes and if what this nerd is saying is true? Or is he trying to be a prick because I gave him shit a couple years back about a deck I was building at the time?

common sense would dictate that whatever side is facing the street named in your street address is the front.

i have never had any issues with city or county planning but i have with a home owners association. they are the adult version of the hall monitor that never learned snitches get stitches.
Grab them by the pussy and let them know who's boss.
The front of your house will be dictated by the plat of your lot and the platted street.
You need to apply for a variance or some shit. Basically go in front of a group of phaggits and tell them why you deserve an exception.
Tell the county to get fucked. Trump won. Hillary lost. Etc etc...Make your yard great again.
So I'm looking to have an extra building built in my back yard, and the county code phagit is telling me that after years of living here, that the front of my house is actually the side and the side is the front.

Claims that although my mailbox, electrical meter and water meter are in my FRONT YARD, that it is actually my side because the front, sides and rear of the house depends on the outer dimensions of the house. And that because my house is oddly shaped, technically my front is my side.

Code states that the secondary building/garage must not be able to be seen from the "front".

The way my house is built next to my neighbor, it is impossible to put a building of any size in my "back" yard according to the code phagit's definition.

I live in georgia.

Does anyone know what's up with these codes and if what this nerd is saying is true? Or is he trying to be a prick because I gave him shit a couple years back about a deck I was building at the time?
We have a corner lot and had to deal with similar things when we had a pool put in the back yard ... or side yard ... or front yard ... or whatever it is ...

Are you in a subdivision with a platted lot? You need to look at the plat of that subdivision and where the dedicated platted streets are. I'm not sure county code can trump that. Also, I believe some homeowner's title insurance policies (not standard owner's policies) may give you coverage in regards to the inability to get a permit to build. I'll take a look at our policies when I get to work tomorrow, but the expanded coverage policy definitely talks about permits.
Are you in a subdivision with a platted lot? You need to look at the plat of that subdivision and where the dedicated platted streets are. I'm not sure county code can trump that. Also, I believe some homeowner's title insurance policies (not standard owner's policies) may give you coverage in regards to the inability to get a permit to build. I'll take a look at our policies when I get to work tomorrow, but the expanded coverage policy definitely talks about permits.

Alright let me know

I'll look into Platt
I can't even wrap my brain around what your saying. It sounds like you built your house in a time space continuum or something like that?
I can't even wrap my brain around what your saying. It sounds like you built your house in a time space continuum or something like that?

It sounds like you're on a corner lot? The front of the house is the one toward the street that is in your address.
Alright let me know

I'll look into Platt

I looked at the Homeowner's Policy through one of our underwriters and it covers the inability to obtain a builder's permit. It sounds like you actually can get a permit, but just not to build exactly where you'd like. My guess is that you wouldn't get much coverage, plus there is a deductible anyhow. IMO, I wouldn't even attempt a claim and this is of course assuming you have the expanded coverage anyhow.

Can you draw out your lot, roads, and how the house sits? Are you on a culdesac or a corner lot? If you could, draw your neighbors as well and where their houses sit and what is front vs. back. Just a rough sketch would work. I do have quite a bit of experience with helping people on zoning variances and working with county plan commissions. I hope I can help, but it's hard to understand exactly what is going on without seeing some sort of photo or illustration.
You could also get on your county GIS site and print out a screenshot of the aerial view of the house and lot. You can black out whatever personal info.

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