Counter This Takedown


White Belt
Apr 30, 2005
Reaction score
Hello me and my friend were wrestling and he had me in a position where I couldn't do anything but try and defend myself. I'm about 6'0" and he is 5'11" and weights a lot less than me.

Basically what he did was he came right at my legs and bent his knees so he wouldn't fall. he was bent over and was lifting me up by my legs. I couldn't get closer to him because he was bent over. He didn't have the power to slam me down when he lifted me up but I couldn't do much to him either. My question is what can I do to get out of this position or possibly use it againt him. Thanks.
knee to his face, didn't you see the Irvin fight?

other recommendations: sidestep and use his weight against him (judo), with his head lowered, you could also go for a guillotine.
sprawl, or let him take u down and sweep, or underhook onside and go for uchimata..... or shoot him with an UZI 9 MILLIMETER!
Can you guys point me to link on how to sprawl or explain it to me. I'm new to fighting.
depends is this free style wrestling or backyard submission wrestling? If its freestyle wrestling, controling the head would be an option, a headlock and sprawling might work, pushing the head down and sprawling, or you could try a quarter nelson. By the sounds of it if someone who is not much shorter than yourself can grab you legs at will, you wrestle standing almost straight up. Lowering you center of gravity would also help. So basically he's lifting you in the air without actually taking you down or am i missing something?
RedmanWrestler said:
So basically he's lifting you in the air without actually taking you down or am i missing something?

Yes, I don't think he has the strength to get me down. We are really just practicing takedowns techniques, the person to land on the ground first looses. There is no striking.
hmmmmmm i don't know if i could give you any useful advice without actually showing you other than try to control the head when he is going for you legs and don't stand straight up.
RedmanWrestler said:
hmmmmmm i don't know if i could give you any useful advice without actually showing you other than try to control the head when he is going for you legs and don't stand straight up.

how can I make sure he doesn't lift me up.
Sounds like a standard double leg-ish takedown.
Sprawl. Pull guard. Uchimata.
Do a bunch of online searches on these terms and read up on them for a few weeks.
Lower your stance, hopefully your feet are a lil wider than shoulder width, move around don't stand in one spot like a dead log, and defend your legs what you have no arms? lol jk Other than that i can't really give you anything to usefull unless i actually wrestled with you.
Threadstarter, start training in a dojo or a gym.. Sparring with your friends is just .. sad.. I cant believe everyone else can be serious, but kudos for that
It has to be said if you don't even know what a sprawl is then you need to get some proper training, a few words of advice from the net won't get you far.
Yeah, I didn't put to much effort into it. Google images.
knee his face as he comes in.
sprawl motherfucker, SPRAWL
U can give tawara gaeshi a try and end up in mount, works well for me.