Could DC And Marvel Character Join Forces On NetFlix?


Sunflower in support of Ukraine
Platinum Member
Jan 20, 2004
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NetFlix has been signing huge deals recently with the likes of DC now added to the pot as they have with Marvel. Could we see a day where their streaming properties have crossover shows?

I ask because NetFlix seems to have crazy money to play with having multiple Marvel properties and now signing a deal with Warner/CBS and DC comics to have Supergirl and Flash appear on Netflix?

Would it be possible to see flash/Supergirl or another one appear on a Marvel property. Of course I don't mean deardevil but one of the other shows?

I know people will say it's not going to happen. We are talking a budget well above the budget of a normal TV show into 10's of millions. With the right number signs could such a project happen?

After I heard Led Zeppelin turn down 14 million for one show. There is crazy money out there to make what seems impossible to happen.
By Odin's beard I hope not.
I'd be happy if they could just get all the Marvel characters together.
DC heroes will be protecting and saving the Marvel Heroes if this happens.
NetFlix has been signing huge deals recently with the likes of DC now added to the pot as they have with Marvel. Could we see a day where their streaming properties have crossover shows?

What DC characters are they bringing to Netflix?
What DC characters are they bringing to Netflix?
Flash and Supergirl two weeks before their run end next year. There are potentially other deals in the future.
I hear Netflix is a galith. They seem to have amazing amounts of cash to play with and sign big deals. Marvel right now have their own operations in New York likely going to expand their relationship with Netflix.

I think if they feel there are options that could be performed and put under the umbrella of Kevin Feige you could have a block buster on your hands.
No way disney/marvel and wb/dc agree with this.
I hope not. Marvel's characters are better written, with flaws and everything.

DC characters are way overpowered, uncreative, unoriginal, or just plain juvenile. I swear Superman, Aquaman, wonder woman, Green lantern, all feel like they were created by 7 year old children.

The only interesting character they have is batman and half the time they don't even write his stories properly.
DC heroes will be protecting and saving the Marvel Heroes if this happens.

Go figure, the dumbass who thinks BvS is awesome and Unforgiven is overrated trash doesn’t realize that when Marvel and DC did their official crossover battle comics in the 90’s DC lost.
Netflix is screening the series, not making it So no, they will not.
I hope not. Marvel's characters are better written, with flaws and everything.

DC characters are way overpowered, uncreative, unoriginal, or just plain juvenile. I swear Superman, Aquaman, wonder woman, Green lantern, all feel like they were created by 7 year old children.

The only interesting character they have is batman and half the time they don't even write his stories properly.

LOL, thats Because you only know those characters.

DC had character like jonah hex and vic sage, none of them are like superman.

And if you count Vertigo characters, it will make marvel characters sems like power puff girls
And unoriginal, LOLOLOLO

How original is deadpool.
Why are people so sure about this stuff. I remember when XM radio committed 100 million dollars to sign Howard Stern.

He had to get 8 million new members or something in return for some 75 million if he could get like 12 million new sign-ups he would get additional 25 million or something. Not sure of the actual numbers he hit one but not the other.

If Netflix could pull together two of the biggest names in comics how much could that be worth. Even more with an on going rumor that Netflix wants to raise rates it would be a way to strengthen their hand.

They may increase the number of new sign-ups and retain customers. Before people get crazy this is just an idea but it would be a big deal news wise.