Cormier is the only fat heavyweight who can go the distance.

Hazuki Ryo

Brown Belt
Jan 21, 2014
Reaction score
And i have so much respect for him because of that. A HW wrestler who can ragdoll you for five rounds or KO you with one punch.

He's kind of an exception because the fat guys like Derrick Lewis or Tuivasa seem to just shut down when their opponent weather the storm.

There's always a limit in high level combat sport when your cardio won't allow you to go the distance..

I'm glad HW like Ngannou, Gane, Aspinall, Stipe are showing that you can be big boy but not necessarily a fat power puncher who can't get past the second round
Well tbh Daniel is a genetic freak, and we didn't even get to see him in his athletic prime in MMA...

If Cormier had the 2005-2008 shape with his MMA skills he would have been absolutely unstoppable at HW, or even LHW which say a lot considering he is barely 5'10" tall...
Well tbh Daniel is a genetic freak, and we didn't even get to see him in his athletic prime in MMA...

If Cormier had the 2005-2008 shape with his MMA skills he would have been absolutely unstoppable at HW, or even LHW which say a lot considering he is barely 5'10" tall...

Black Fedor who KO'd Bigfoot and lifted up Barnett like a sack of potatoes would indeed be a threat to everyone at HW
Black Fedor who KO'd Bigfoot and lifted up Barnett like a sack of potatoes would indeed be a threat to everyone at HW

Exactly he was a LOT less refined technically at this time, but this is IMO the best version of Cormier ever just because of his speed and power ( and all that while beeing 250ish )
Black Fedor who KO'd Bigfoot and lifted up Barnett like a sack of potatoes would indeed be a threat to everyone at HW

Prime Cormier walks through everyone in the division. It’s hard to pinpoint Cormiers prime though, because he started so late in MMA and his body give in as he was still developing skills.
And i have so much respect for him because of that. A HW wrestler who can ragdoll you for five rounds or KO you with one punch.

He's kind of an exception because the fat guys like Derrick Lewis or Tuivasa seem to just shut down when their opponent weather the storm.

There's always a limit in high level combat sport when your cardio won't allow you to go the distance..

I'm glad HW like Ngannou, Gane, Aspinall, Stipe are showing that you can be big boy but not necessarily a fat power puncher who can't get past the second round
His fight with Mir says something else. Both of them looked atrocious out there.
Prime Cormier walks through everyone in the division. It’s hard to pinpoint Cormiers prime though, because he started so late in MMA and his body give in as he was still developing skills.

Well the thing is you have to break it down to " physical prime " and " technical prime " with DC because he started late, and as you mentionned his body already gave up on him in the Olympics once...
But I'd say the closest to a mix of physical and technical prime are his fights against BFoot and Barnett like TS mentionned...
His fight with Mir says something else. Both of them looked atrocious out there.

He was on his way to 205 in that fight and imo, his bad conditionning was a result of his diet.

Imo DC needs to be on potatoes and chicken wings to be at his best, not only physically but mentally going into his camp ( having enough mental resource / energy ).
No wonder his two worst fights at HW were the Mir and Nelson ones, during his " slow cut " to LHW.
Roy Nelson went the distance alot in the fights he got his ass beat. Interesting thing is, even though he got destroyed, he was still alive and well in the final bell. Wasn't gassed, seemed kinda fine and was probably ready to get his ass beat for 3 more rounds.

Roy Nelson has the hardest head ever
Roy Nelson went the distance alot in the fights he got his ass beat. Interesting thing is, even though he got destroyed, he was still alive and well in the final bell. Wasn't gassed, seemed kinda fine and was probably ready to get his ass beat for 3 more rounds.

Roy Nelson has the hardest head ever
Nelson would not have taken the Mirko kicks and stayed up like Hunt did.
The difference is that Cormier was a Olympic calibre wrestler and you don't get to that level if you aren't an elite athlete.
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Not only that, but also one that could go the distance despite being self admittedly passed his prime. Without Cain in the picture, we would have possibly seen Cormier at HW in the UFC throughout his entire run and not just at the start and end. Would have been an interesting “what if” considering he still managed to win the belt even toward the end.
Well tbh Daniel is a genetic freak, and we didn't even get to see him in his athletic prime in MMA...

If Cormier had the 2005-2008 shape with his MMA skills he would have been absolutely unstoppable at HW, or even LHW which say a lot considering he is barely 5'10" tall...

Guy was great sprinter, linebacker and wrestler.

This is the DC i would love to have seen fight in the UFC at 185 and 205lbs. Two division champ for sure.


Curious how he had so much trouble staying at these weights that he had kidney failure. Guys much bigger than him cut more.