Cormier coming in at 205?

Still Holdin

Brown Belt
Oct 31, 2012
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Cormier stated that if Cain wins his bout with JDS, he'd drop to 205 and Challenge Jones. So after his bout on Jan 12 and SF folds up does he come into the UFC @ 205 and maybe face a contender before facing Jones or does he wait till Sonnen/Jones?

That doesnt mean Cormier he cant come over to beat JDS down also...and he would. :icon_chee
It sounds like you are trying to save JDS from Cormier also.
LOL I really dont care, Id just rather see someone who could actually challenge Jones.
jds cormier
reem cormier

these are great potential matchups. soon, jbj will move to hw.
Wow the dummies run thick and fast on this site, I think Cormier needs to win a couple at 205 first. Yeah yeah he was pretty efficient at HW in Strike force, pretty being an understatement. But he should be at least a warm up bout out from a fight with Jones if he drops to 205.
Cormier could get 1 or 2 HW fights before dropping down. Certainly, once he drops down he'll be the first to get a crack at jones. The guy is in no hurry to make a dec.
Would love to see him at LHW but not sure if his body can handle the weight cut. Read somewhere he has health issues that makes it incredibly hard to go down to 205.
Put Cormier on the TUF Finale card for his warmup bout. Then take him straight into the title fight.
Would love to see him at LHW but not sure if his body can handle the weight cut. Read somewhere he has health issues that makes it incredibly hard to go down to 205.

A slow, natural cut and staying at 205 would be fine. He most likely just can't take a 6 week cut and the dehydration before the weigh in.
Not sure if he can make the weight cut. He had some problems when he was in the Olympics.
Wow the dummies run thick and fast on this site, I think Cormier needs to win a couple at 205 first. Yeah yeah he was pretty efficient at HW in Strike force, pretty being an understatement. But he should be at least a warm up bout out from a fight with Jones if he drops to 205.

Dana said Cormier come get a TS at 205 of 265. But I agree with you on the warm up fight before Jones.

Theres tons of match up for DC at either wc
Jones is eventually going HW so this is a dead issue. DC needs to either stay at HW if he comes to the UFC or cut weight and make LHW in the UFC. All the JJ talk is speculative at this point and is starting to annoy me with DC. Jones said it best "I'm not here to help you get popularity".
He's gotta be put in straight away to face JBJ as there is now other serious challenger at LHW apart from an 'A game' Glover
I think as long as he can do it and be healthy he will do it. I don't see him challenging his teammate. However he's had health problems related to weightcutting in the past, so we will see.
Wow the dummies run thick and fast on this site, I think Cormier needs to win a couple at 205 first. Yeah yeah he was pretty efficient at HW in Strike force, pretty being an understatement. But he should be at least a warm up bout out from a fight with Jones if he drops to 205.

edgar loses 2 in a row, drops to fw and gets a title shot. cool.

diaz loses to condit, gets a title shot. cool.

sonnen loses to silva, moves to lhw, gets a title shot. cool.

cormier is sf hw champion, but he needs to take a couple of fights before getting a title shot?
edgar loses 2 in a row, drops to fw and gets a title shot. cool.

diaz loses to condit, gets a title shot. cool.

sonnen loses to silva, moves to lhw, gets a title shot. cool.

cormier is sf hw champion, but he needs to take a couple of fights before getting a title shot?

Was going to be my response. Totally agree. Cormier doesn't need to put some wins in, there's precedence for this in the UFC just in recent history
If Jones ever moves up to Heavyweight, Cain Velasquez would fucking murder him. That's for sure.
I hope DC doesn't look like Michael Jackson at 205. :D