So I like caffiene, cause it helps my back calm down. It helps a lot and my back is fubarred.
That said I like mountain dew.
But I've been reading that the acid in mountain dew is bad for bone density, and I assume therefore probably for discs as well. So I'm thinking if my back (which has multiple damaged discs) would fair better without the acid. If so what would be a good for my joint/spine health option to replace the caffiene.
I don't care about calorie count as I'm trying to gain weight, though if there are other huge benefits of getting away from it too I'm all ears.
That said I like mountain dew.
But I've been reading that the acid in mountain dew is bad for bone density, and I assume therefore probably for discs as well. So I'm thinking if my back (which has multiple damaged discs) would fair better without the acid. If so what would be a good for my joint/spine health option to replace the caffiene.
I don't care about calorie count as I'm trying to gain weight, though if there are other huge benefits of getting away from it too I'm all ears.