Conrad na Art GAY lovers-OFFICIAL!!!

i'll have you know treelo that was conrads way of making fun of someone he just beat up on. but mind you it only lasted one day. and yes i love conrad as a matter fact i love you all to get the frak off my board.
Actuacly after I ran Art of this board i saw that he went to the MMA Fourm so i decied to be relentless and follow him there.

I still think fighter'swife is actually Art in disguise.

You ain't tricking nobaody
You got alot of support there too. Should be proud.

You are slowly moving up in the world.
Conrad vs Treelo!!

This matchup has been building up for a very loooong time. Both HATE each other. I am still contemplating who would win this death match.
Treelo: I say we make it a barb-wire explosion match. It's aobut time i take Treelo's sorry ass OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks traniner for making a good point
Originally posted by ART SANTORE
i'll have you know treelo that was conrads way of making fun of someone he just beat up on. but mind you it only lasted one day. and yes i love conrad as a matter fact i love you all to get the frak off my board.

Originally posted by Conrad
Actuacly after I ran Art of this board i saw that he went to the MMA Fourm so i decied to be relentless and follow him there.

I still think fighter'swife is actually Art in disguise.

You ain't tricking nobaody

Fighter's wife isn't Art. I am sure of that.;)
Originally posted by Conrad
Treelo: I say we make it a barb-wire explosion match. It's aobut time i take Treelo's sorry ass OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks traniner for making a good point

No problemo Conrad.

It's just that this Tension has been building between the two of you for a loooong time. It's time to put up, or shut up.
it was my wife it's just that she doesn't say things like she did but i busterd her arse when i got home a checked the computer good thing it's just a 56 k so i don't think she'll be in here again. i put her back into her place just like the rest of you.
Originally posted by Art Santore

it was my wife it's just that she doesn't say things like she did but i busterd her arse when i got home a checked the computer good thing it's just a 56 k so i don't think she'll be in here again. i put her back into her place just like the rest of you

Bullshit Art. She'd kick your arse.
well pablo she not as pretty as your girl here
but i'm the man of my house.
Originally posted by ART SANTORE
it was my wife it's just that she doesn't say things like she did but i busterd her arse when i got home a checked the computer good thing it's just a 56 k so i don't think she'll be in here again. i put her back into her place just like the rest of you.

Art how can you claim to put anyone in their place when you can`t even put on eye glitter?

only because your tapped into your female side doesn't give you the right to make fun of others that arn't.
Art you can do it if you try hard enough. Do like him:
