Conor would smoke Gaetjhe....


Good one, hillbilly
Comeback? I was having a discussion with someone, until you came along and spewed your bullshit on why you hate Conor lol rent free, now go eat some haleem <45>
show the replays of Khabib's loses next to your girlfriend Mc Crapper's ... until then you are as relevant as him
show his replays? what does that have to do with the discussion about Gaethje vs Conor?

Go log into your real account, looks like you used your old account by mistake lol
Comeback? I was having a discussion with someone, until you came along and spewed your bullshit on why you hate Conor lol rent free, now go eat some haleem <45>
Spewed my garbage?

You think Conor has better cardio than Gaethje because he's gone 5 rounds once in his career. Lmao moron
Alvarez was only stopped once (and never out) early in his career before McGregor. Chinny?

Nate fought true WW's Rory and Dong back in the day and neither were able to knock him down with a punch like Conor did.

Alvarez is known to get wobbled and even knocked down frequently. He can survive, but it’s certainly not an outlandish feat to rock him on the feet.

Yes, he knocked down Nate at 170, but were talking about 155. But, Rory only had one knockdown his entire UFC career (against Saffiedine) so not exactly known as a power striker. Kim has a few knockdowns but all are against low level fighters (Hathaway, Silva, and Pierson) and only one came from a punch. The only power puncher Diaz faced at 170 was Marcus Davis who did knock him down.

Point I’m trying to make is there is no proof Conor has anything special in the way of punching power at 155. Maybe he does, but we can’t say that from what we’ve seen.
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this is my real account .. I'm only part time here ... I've been banned so many times I'm just posting to laugh at the dumbest of the morons now; and you won the lottery ...
now when you can compare Kahbib's loses to Mc Shitter's go ahead ... hell let's compare title defenses
Im not even talking about your cousin Khabob, you're the clown who is trying to make this about him <45> the irony of you calling anyone moron when you're here to troll lol go get banned again
Not if Gaethje fought smart and used his wrestling. We all know he wouldn't, so the OP is correct, but it's unfortunate that winning isn't the most important thing to him.
the truth is Mc (insert) is not a fighter anymore ... he's never defended a belt; his rank is a reflection of popularity not current viability... he ran from title defenses and is the only 2 division champ to never try to defend either ... he's the ultimate hype champ
No, I said you spewed your bullshit.

this was your 1st reply to me here

You're a Khabob dickrider so you will talk shit Conor all the time with blind hate, your post history makes that very clear lol

Neither Conor and Justin are known for their cardio, but fact remains Conor has been 5 rounds and Justin never has. Justin has lost his UFC fights when they go into round 3 or beyond, all his wins are within rounds 1-2
Now go eat some haleem
Tony Ferguson and Conor McGregor have both gone 5 rounds once, they must have equal cardio...

You're arguement is trash. Just quit defending Conor, he's a Twitter warrior now, he don't want that smoke.
Yeah, McGregor would put on a masterclass against Justin. We'd see the old Conor we used to remember back.

He knocks Gaethje out in two rounds, three at the most. It'd be only slightly more competitive than Alvarez was
Not likely considering Conor hasn't looked so good against guy's he doesn't have a reach advantage over and Justin has become much more patient since losing those two brawls.

Conor had an edge over Dustin and Eddie getting under there skin and making them fight emotionally. Since then though he has become a punchline and his once highly effective mental warfare game won't work anymore, his opponents have way to much material against him at this point for his trash talk to be taken as anything other than desperate ramblings everyone knows he won't be able to back up and will just laugh it off.

Conor knows it too though and his confidence is shot, there's nothing left but posturing and false bravado outside of his arm of faithful parrots who still want to believe not only that he once was but that he still is an all time great which even he now realizes is false.

To his credit the guy accomplished some amazing things by being the right guy at the right time but without a ton of help from the UFC he never would have accomplished nearly as much as he did and likely never even makes it to Aldo (going through both Chad and Frankie) let alone getting a shot at the LW belt.

Just ask yourself this. Had Conor's career started in 2008 when FW was still in WEC and Cheal and Ronda hadn't ushered in the drama, press conference and PPV# fans era and he had to earn everything strictly on his own merit and skill do you think we would even remember his name today?
Conor would be gassed quickly in that one, I'd give him 3 minutes tops and he would be totally done against a pressure aggressive guy like Gaethje
Gaethje couldnt beat Alvarez, got KTFO instead.

Conor would kick the shit out of him
Conor would probably beat that version of Gaethje.

Justin has made tremendous improvements in his head movement, footwork, feints, he has gotten much quicker and less predictable with his kicks.

Meanwhile Conor has been drinking and knocking up whores.

2019-2020 Gaethje beats Conor EASILY. And probably pretty violently.
Gaetjhe got KOed and left for dead by Eddie and Poirier.

Conor smoked both Dustin and Eddie in less than 10 minutes combined.

Conor is a sniper, Justin is a brawler.

McGOAT KO within 2 rounds.

Easy work.

Conor bless!
Maybe if it was 2015-2016 Conor McGregor, but now it’s almost 2020. Justin Gaethje smokes him. 2019-2020 is unmotivated Conor. U know why? Because he’s to rich and already became first ever champ champ. He says he’s not retired but deep down inside, he knows that he doesn’t need to fight anymore and doesn’t want to fight. But he be lying that he isn’t retired and doesn’t want to retire lol. Respect to Conor tho, he made alot of fkin $.
More than likely.

But if he doesnt stop him early he's gettinf battered and quits.

Either way the fight makes sense. It's a chance for Conor to shake the rust off and earn a shot again.

Or, he gets battered and quits.

Win win

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