Conor won round 8

Conor landed more jabs, more power punches, and more total punches in round 2.

Floyd's defense was so much better he got hit more than he hit Conor.
You can land more and lose a round goof.
Qaulity matters in pro boxing.
You can land more and lose a round goof.
Qaulity matters in pro boxing.

Didn't 2 of 3 judges give that round to Conor? Lol

Floyd was outworked and outlanded in that round. Doesn't matter because Floyd was just hanging back so he didn't care about that round, but you are such a Conor hater its so obvious.
Didn't 2 of 3 judges give that round to Conor? Lol

Floyd was outworked and outlanded in that round. Doesn't matter because Floyd was just hanging back so he didn't care about that round, but you are such a Conor hater its so obvious.
No 2 out of 3 judges only gave conor round 1 and no other.
Nobody is "hating" youre just in love so you dont see reality for what it is. Conor got whooped.
No 2 out of 3 judges only gave conor round 1 and no other.
Nobody is "hating" youre just in love so you dont see reality for what it is. Conor got whooped.

Why don't you, a complete stranger, tell me my opinion on Conor while I'm in another thread putting a Conor nuthugger in his place.

Pretty humorous how defensive you get. Name calling and what not shows how you aren't capable of holding a debate without getting emotional.

Good luck on the rest of your Sherdog tenure being easily triggered.
Why don't you, a complete stranger, tell me my opinion on Conor while I'm in another thread putting a Conor nuthugger in his place.

Pretty humorous how defensive you get. Name calling and what not shows how you aren't capable of holding a debate without getting emotional.

Good luck on the rest of your Sherdog tenure being easily triggered.
Triggered? Mkay sugar tits whatever you say.
Guess you cant heckle people on forums anymore they think youre mad at them.

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